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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Jonesboro, Arkansas, United States

    Need help with combat tracker

    I am not getting full functionality out of the combat tracker. The procedure I follow is:

    1. Open combat tracker
    2. Drag and drop player portraits onto tracker
    3. Click the button to the left of the portrait who is first in initiative. A red flag appears beside their name on the combat tracker
    4. Click "next actor" to move the red flag to the next portrait

    My players report that they are not seeing the red flag and turn notice in their chat window. What am I doing wrong?

    FG II Full license holder.

  2. #2
    Thats strange. You are using the default d20 ruleset with no modifications and on 2.012?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Jonesboro, Arkansas, United States
    Yes to all of the above.
    FG II Full license holder.

  4. #4
    Are you seeing the Flag and Name in the chat box locally? Their little player icon on the combat tracker is green right? Not red or yellow?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Are you setting the init so it can sort them? Is the round number at the bottom starting at 1 and going up as you click though the list?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Jonesboro, Arkansas, United States
    Yes they are sorted by init, and yes the round numbers are going up as I click through the list. No I am not seeing the flag and name in the chat box locally. If the "green" icon is not in the box will it still work? I wasn't using the "friendly", "Neutral", "Hostile" icons.
    Last edited by John_Geeshu; June 21st, 2007 at 22:20.
    FG II Full license holder.

  7. #7
    Well a PC should automatically be assigned the friendly icon if you are drag and dropping the potrait in there to create the entry (not assigning it just to the token control on a blank entry you typed yourself).

    The relevant code is in the combattracker_entry.lua file in the Scripts folder. Do a d20unpak and look for this section:

    function setActive(state)
    	if state and charactertype == "pc" then
    		-- Turn notification
    		local msg = {};
    		msg.text = name.getValue();
    		msg.font = "narratorfont";
    		msg.icon = "indicator_flag";
    Just want to verify you have the right code in there.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Jonesboro, Arkansas, United States
    Looks to be all there.
    FG II Full license holder.

  9. #9
    the pc's have to be listed as friendly, green, on the combat tracker for the flag to come up in the chat window.

    without that, you should still see any token on a map that is linked to the combat tracker become highlighted when it is it's turn. A little hard to see but it is there.

  10. #10
    Yes but in the default d20 ruleset PCs that are dragged and dropped into the tracker to create the entry get flagged as friendly as well as the type == PC to trigger the turn notification. Not sure why he isnt seeing that.

    I would test out creating another test campaign to make sure its not some weird corruption in your campaignregistry.lua file.

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