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  1. #1

    Gamma World d20 (WIP)...

    Started working on my Gamma World make over. It is (of course) still a work in progress. As you can see, my chat box is a little crooked at the top. I'll have to recreate it a little better later.

    A screenie of the progress so far...

    (Oh, and ignore the silly text in the chat window, that was to show the guys in my campaign who have not gotten the program yet).

    UPDATE --
    I added a new updates screen with the character selection window updated, and some other updates (buttons, quickbar, etc).
    Last edited by BrashFink; June 10th, 2007 at 07:45.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Very nice, only wish I could come up with stuff that looks half as nice.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Valgard
    Very nice, only wish I could come up with stuff that looks half as nice.
    Bah, don't give me too much credit just because I can go to the internet and amass a bunch of crap and edit it all together in Photoshop.

    Thanks for the comments though.

    Here is another shot of with the "Lighting" window open. I removed the "Forrest" one all together (it doesn't even really show up with all the green in my theme) and I changed the "Fire" one to "Hazard". It will switch whenever they get that strange feeling that something isn't right.

  5. #5
    Gamma World! Dude you rock! GW is a pretty cool game, almost as good as Traveller.

  6. #6
    Making good progress (I have guys waiting to play that live as far away as England).

    Here is an update. Added some modern looking folks for portraits and changed the portrait frame (as you can see, some frames like the character rolling window have not been touched yet).

    The big thing is I am almost done with the character sheet.

    Have a looksie...

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Wollongong, NSW, Australia
    Dude ... you rock ... some really nice work there ... looking forward to seeing the completed product

  8. #8
    Hats off to you! When's the campaign starting?

  9. #9
    Thanks for the comments, I will be posting more screenies shortly. I just realized that this thread is more for shots of campaigns and what not, so I will probably create this thread again in the more appropriate "Workshop" thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by scytale2
    Hats off to you! When's the campaign starting?
    I am not sure when I am starting it, I am also in the middle of writing up a small campaign setting "manual" of sorts also. My world is not exactly a straight out of the book GW setting.

    More coming.

  10. #10
    looks really cool id love to play when u are ready !

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