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Thread: Player notes

  1. #1

    Player notes

    It seems that player notes were one of the things that didn't transfer automatically between FG1 and FG2. But in db.xml, all the old notes are still there, inside <note> tags, followed by all the new notes inside <notes> tags! And the format looks identical. So will it cause any problems if I just delete the <note> tags and put all the old notes inside the new <notes> tags? I'd have to manually edit any identical IDs, I guess.

    Has anyone tried this? Does anyone know of any reason why it wouldn't work? Or why the devs didn't include this as part of the switch between FG1 & FG2?

  2. #2
    Seems like it should work. I'm just now starting to dig into the XML files. Dunno why something that simple would escape the devs in the conversion process.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I have not tried it, but I heard it doesn't work. It certainly won't hurt to try, just make sure you make a copy of the FG2 xml before you try.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre
    I have not tried it, but I heard it doesn't work.
    Where did you hear it from, Griogre?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Heard (read) it on these boards. Apparently the note xml structure or tags are not compatible (as a guess, probably the tags). I know people just cut and pasted the note sections out of the FG1 XML into a word doc. You can get all the notes that way - but for all characters in one doc. When we switched over to FG2, I asked if any over my players needed their notes and basically they did not except for like two things. With so few I just Loaded FG1 and they popped the note and screen shot it and I presume copyied it in by hand.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Callum
    It seems that player notes were one of the things that didn't transfer automatically between FG1 and FG2. But in db.xml, all the old notes are still there, inside <note> tags, followed by all the new notes inside <notes> tags! And the format looks identical. So will it cause any problems if I just delete the <note> tags and put all the old notes inside the new <notes> tags? I'd have to manually edit any identical IDs, I guess.
    Well, I tried this last session, and it seemed to work fine. The players could all see their old notes, and there didn't seem to be any problems.

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