Thread: Maps in FGII?

  1. #1

    Maps in FGII?

    First of all, I would like to say that I just got the program, and I'm loving it. Took me a lot to get it to connect, but it's worth it.

    I tried a friends copy of 1.05 for a while, and even started building my campaign on that.

    Now that I have FGII, I'm trying to figure out how to do a few things (I'm not sure if you can still do it, or if I'm just missing something).

    How do you add maps? In FG1.05 you just added it to the image folder, but there isn't on in FGII, and I can't find the adventure folder either.

  2. #2
    Sigurd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ontario, Canada

    Same Proces -- moved folder

    Maps are just pictures (I suggest jpgs or pngs) in a directory. The directory has moved to be Windows Vista compliant.

    The simple way to find the directory is to go to start then find the FG2 entry among your program groups. Left click the Icon for "Application Data Folder" - that will take you to the new home of your data.

    J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, "I wish life was not so short. Languages take such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about."

  3. #3
    C:\Documents and Settings\(account name)\Application Data\Fantasy Grounds II\campaigns\images

    That's where it should go I think. The Application Data folder might be hidden though. Mine was. Also, the (account name) is the login you use when you sign in to your computer. Default is Owner or Admin I believe.

  4. #4
    ah found it, thanks!

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