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Thread: vampire

  1. #1


    i was wondering been looking over this site was wondering if there was a vampire the masquerade ruleset and if people acually run it?

  2. #2
    VenomousFiligree's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Plymouth, UK.
    Quote Originally Posted by starrius
    i was wondering been looking over this site was wondering if there was a vampire the masquerade ruleset and if people acually run it?
    I believe Kalan has an interest in at least making a generic WoD charactersheet.

    Previously: MurghBpurn

  3. #3
    Oh surrreee...blame me for it...

    But yah - I am interested in making a generic one for the new WoD, but I'd imagine I can look into doing one for the old WoD...just as soon as I get some of my other projects (ie: ones that PAY quit volunteerin me for stuff MB ) done

    Vincent Kingston
    [email protected]

  4. #4
    the new WoD not that one where they changed the whole world..

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by starrius
    the new WoD not that one where they changed the whole world..
    Whole new setting...basically I treat it like I did my first year Physics course - I forgot everything I ever knew about the WoD...

    If you do that - the New WoD is much easier to get into There are parralells - but it is a completely different setting and game. And I prefer it to the old WoD (cleaner rules, faster game play).
    Vincent Kingston
    [email protected]

  6. #6
    so the idea of characters frenzying on each other all the time is fun?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by starrius
    so the idea of characters frenzying on each other all the time is fun?
    *shrugs* Don't really play the Vampire side as much as I used to - have the book, but its been AGES since I looked at it. I've always leaned more to mage, or a "human" campaign. Werewolf looks pretty decent, but again, been a long time since I looked at it.
    Vincent Kingston
    [email protected]

  8. #8
    the rule is first time vampire meets it's something along the line of a frenzy check one of the main things i didn't like about it

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by starrius
    the rule is first time vampire meets it's something along the line of a frenzy check one of the main things i didn't like about it
    Just pulled out the book - and its the first time they meet someone of a higher blood potency than themselves - and its entirely up to the Storyteller as to whether or not a roll is called for.

    To me it makes sense - think of it as a test of wills and power...its a natural response for a weaker vamp to feel threatened by one with more power (or potency)...

    In any case - back OT - once I'm done what I have to do, I'll be able to whip somethin together...unless someone else has something before I get to that point (I'm basically tied up right now until July on other projects).
    Vincent Kingston
    [email protected]

  10. #10
    It's not an automatic check. It's mostly done when a vampire meet a vampire he never met and also in a situation where is was not expecting to meet another of it's kind. But mostly its at the taste of the Storyteller, he can downplay the predator taint and only play it in special case.

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