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Thread: lua editor/ide

  1. #1

    lua editor/ide

    What are people using for an editor/ide to write lua scripts? I am using good old note pad.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Traygin
    What are people using for an editor/ide to write lua scripts? I am using good old note pad.
    I really like Ultraedit - fast, low footprint, lots of functionality.
    Ultimate License
    Rulesets by NezziR:
    WFRP2 for FGI, WFRP2 for FGII, Dark Heresy for FGII,
    Savage Fallout for FGII and Savage Worlds, FGII help mod.


  3. #3
    Notepad. Simple, and with lots of black text on a white background... <.<... >.>.. (no, this isn't a selling point...)
    "He is everything I have ever aspired to be."
    "Your aspiration is to be impaled on a halberd? Your parents must be proud."

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Fairfax County, Virginia
    Did a bit of research on Wikipedia to come up with Notepad++. Includes syntax highlighting and block collapsing for lua and xml, as well as tabbed documents. Plus it's free

  5. #5
    Foen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Suffolk, England
    I'm using Visual Studio. It doesn't do any Lua syntax highlighting, but it is a familiar tool that does xml reasonably well.


  6. #6
    Doswelk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Surrey, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Dachannien
    Did a bit of research on Wikipedia to come up with Notepad++. Includes syntax highlighting and block collapsing for lua and xml, as well as tabbed documents. Plus it's free
    I aloso use Notepad++ the folding option is very useful when creating a ruleset

  7. #7
    I've been using LuaEdit.
    Question: How does an Assamite find herself between a 12ft murder machine and a high place?

    Answer: When she's running away from a werewolf in Crinos and she has to jump onto a fire escape with the Phobia: High Places flaw

  8. #8
    Valarian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Worcestershire, UK
    JEdit (www.jedit.org) is free, and has a load of syntax highlighting and additional plugins
    Using Ultimate license - that means anyone can play.
    Valarian's Fantasy Grounds Rulesets

  9. #9
    Note ++ is the best
    Always keep it in perspective!

  10. #10
    Oh, I also use metapad - it's free. I replaced notepad.exe with it.
    Ultimate License
    Rulesets by NezziR:
    WFRP2 for FGI, WFRP2 for FGII, Dark Heresy for FGII,
    Savage Fallout for FGII and Savage Worlds, FGII help mod.


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