5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1

    Changing/Adding Skills

    What I want to do is pretty simple (I hope). All I want to do is change a few skill names (such as move silently to sneak, craft to trade skill) and add a few skills as well.

    Unlike FG1, the skill names aren't part of the frame graphic and I can't seem to find where to change these at.

    The only place I've actually found skill names is in the .lua script charactersheet_skilllist.lua and when I change a name it doesn't show up on the character sheet. I'm guessing the master list that affects name changes has to be in another file.

    Anyone know where??

    I'll keep mucking around to see if I can fall on the answer myself but TIA for any additional information.

    Question: How does an Assamite find herself between a 12ft murder machine and a high place?

    Answer: When she's running away from a werewolf in Crinos and she has to jump onto a fire escape with the Phobia: High Places flaw

  2. #2
    Oberoten's Avatar
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    May 2006
    Älvsbyn, Sweden
    Bumping this one since I think it is pretty much the same answer that I need as well.
    For your Ars Magica needs :

    Atque in perpetuum frater, Ave atque vale.

  3. #3
    Good thing I didn't ask you on your post then. Thought you might have had an answer.
    Question: How does an Assamite find herself between a 12ft murder machine and a high place?

    Answer: When she's running away from a werewolf in Crinos and she has to jump onto a fire escape with the Phobia: High Places flaw

  4. #4
    Oberoten's Avatar
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    May 2006
    Älvsbyn, Sweden
    Mhm... Right now I am trying to fix anything but the charactersheet for thisvery reason.
    ... and admittedly that feels like I am digging in the wrong end.
    For your Ars Magica needs :

    Atque in perpetuum frater, Ave atque vale.

  5. #5
    Really, the skill page is the only thing on the character sheet I need to change.

    There's just two other things I'd like to add in the future (something for resists and tracking a mana pool), but aside from missing skills for my ruleset, the character sheet is pretty well set.

    Of course, eventually I'd like to make a ruleset for TORG and that will be a whole different monkey.
    Question: How does an Assamite find herself between a 12ft murder machine and a high place?

    Answer: When she's running away from a werewolf in Crinos and she has to jump onto a fire escape with the Phobia: High Places flaw

  6. #6
    Oberoten's Avatar
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    May 2006
    Älvsbyn, Sweden
    True. Skills are the Alpha and Omega of a system. Everything else can wait.
    For your Ars Magica needs :

    Atque in perpetuum frater, Ave atque vale.

  7. #7
    Doswelk's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    Surrey, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by ldyparadox99
    What I want to do is pretty simple (I hope). All I want to do is change a few skill names (such as move silently to sneak, craft to trade skill) and add a few skills as well.

    Unlike FG1, the skill names aren't part of the frame graphic and I can't seem to find where to change these at.

    The only place I've actually found skill names is in the .lua script charactersheet_skilllist.lua and when I change a name it doesn't show up on the character sheet. I'm guessing the master list that affects name changes has to be in another file.

    Anyone know where??

    All I did was update the .lua file and it seemed to work...

    There is another skill section in another file but seems to tell FGII how to import FG1 db.xml cannot remember the full filename right now (at work) but it ended with update.lua I think

  8. #8
    We're talking the same file right? charactersheet_skilllist.lua? and specifically the skill properties section where it lists each skill, what ability it uses and any armor penalties??

    Because when I change one of them it does not update on the character sheet in FG at all.

    Edit: ok, it started to show up once I changed it in the db.xml as well.

    Now to see if I can add new skills in addition to what's there after I get back from class.
    Last edited by ldyparadox99; May 8th, 2007 at 17:37.
    Question: How does an Assamite find herself between a 12ft murder machine and a high place?

    Answer: When she's running away from a werewolf in Crinos and she has to jump onto a fire escape with the Phobia: High Places flaw

  9. #9
    Ok, I can easily change the names of the skills that already exist in the charactersheet_skilllist.lua file and the db.xml file (for each character). However, I can't seem to get new skills to show up.

    Any ideas??
    Question: How does an Assamite find herself between a 12ft murder machine and a high place?

    Answer: When she's running away from a werewolf in Crinos and she has to jump onto a fire escape with the Phobia: High Places flaw

  10. #10
    Just an idea... You DO realize that changing the files in the /examples/rulesets/d20 folder will acomplish nothing. Neither will copying the files to /rulesets/d20 and modify them there. FG II seemt to "read" the D20 data always from it's packed source. You have to:

    - Copy the /examples/rulesets/d20 folder to /rulesets/
    - Rename it, for example to d20modified

    Then you can try a new campagain with it and see if it changes anything.

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