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  1. #1

    bmos' extensions

    I'm starting to have a lot of these and my signature is filling up! Taking a page from Kelrugem's book, here is a thread for all of my extensions and modules.

    Each forum post has a few links. Here is an overview of what you will find on the Extension Homepage of each/most of them:
    1. Overview / Description / Intro
    2. Compatibility Notes (versions of FGC, FGU, and any extensions that have known issues)
    3. Feature List
    4. Video or Image Example
    5. Full codebase. My extensions are loaded in the vault when installed via the Forge, but it isn't because I don't want to share the code.

    Forge extensions gallery and donation link
    If you want to see the code for my extensions (they are in the vault when downloaded from the Forge), check out my GitHub page.
    From this code, you should be able to make edits as desired/needed. If you need me to make a change to make the extension more editable, reach out and I very well might.

    Development Tools
    Luacheck Configuration File <-- defines most/all global scoped objects, variables, etc. helps your IDE give better coding hints
    Forge Updater <-- publishes your builds to the Forge via automation

    Hit Margins (SFRPG/PFRPG/3.5E/4E/5E) <-- shares how closely attacks hit/miss
    Automatic Crit and Fumble Tables (PFRPG/3.5E) <-- use paizo's crit and fumble decks automatically
    Live Hitpoints (PFRPG/3.5E) <-- hitpoints adjust when ability score changes
    Sanity Tracker (PFRPG) <-- calculate sanity edge, damage, threshold, and incurred insanity
    Spell Formatting (PFRPG/3.5E) <-- allows tables in formatting like tables in spell descriptions
    Disease Tracker (PFRPG) <-- Mostly automates poisons and diseases
    Item Durability (PFRPG/3.5E) <-- hitpoints, hardness, saving throws for items
    Extra Stat to Saves (PFRPG/3.5E) <-- add a second ability modifier to saving throws (for paladins)
    Spell Failure (PFRPG/3.5E) <-- automatically roll spell failure chance
    Ability Drain and Permanent Bonuses (PFRPG) <-- adds fields for tracking permanent bonuses (effects only support temporary bonuses)
    Ammunition Manger (PFRPG/3.5E/5E/4E/SFRPG) <-- track actions to load weapons, ammo used, and missed shots
    OpenDyslexic2 Font (CoreRPG+) <-- UI font designed against common symptoms of dyslexia
    Upgrade NPC Actions (PFRPG/3.5E) <-- fix missing info in NPC spells and automate abilities
    Extraplanar Containers (CoreRPG+) <-- automation of bags of holding
    Coins Weight (CoreRPG+) <-- add inventory item for automatically tracking the weight of coins
    Encumbrance Penalties (PFRPG) <-- automate encumbrance penalties based on carried weight
    Party Inventory Weight (CoreRPG+) <-- calculate the total weight of parcels and the party inventory
    Skill Success / Failure Margin (4E) <-- add message to skill checks in 4E rolled from party sheet (that include DC)

    Critical and Fumble Decks (PFRPG) <-- Pathfinder-specific Crits and Fumbles (no more references to 3.5E's Action Points)
    Maladies Library (PFRPG) <-- Module of poisons and diseases for use with Disease Tracker
    Alcohols of Golarion (PFRPG) <-- Flavor items from Golarion

    Adopted Extensions
    Customized Item Generator for 3.5E and Pathfinder [FG Forge] [ext files and changelog] [README] <-- Simple generator for magic items and consumables (scrolls, wands, and potions)
    Advanced Item Actions (formerly Advanced Character Inventory Manager) [FG Forge] [ext files and changelog] [README] <-- automatically add/remove spell class for wands/scrolls/potions when equipping/un-equipping
    Advanced Effects for 3.5E and Pathfinder [FG Forge] [ext files and changelog] [README] <-- Attach effects to PCs, NPCs and items.
    Party Inventory Identified [FG Forge] [ext files and changelog] <-- easier way to see what items are ID'd
    Enhanced Items v4 [FG Forge] [ext files and changelog] <-- add additional useful fields to item sheet
    Aura Effects [FG Forge] [ext files and changelog] <-- add/remove effects based on token proximity
    Moon Tracker [FG Forge] [ext files and changelog] <-- automatically track phases of the moon(s) based on in-game calendar

    Future Goals (no promises -- feel free to steal these ideas):
    • Invisibility that applies to allies without see invisibility (hello area-effect friendly fire ) [NOT YET POSSIBLE]
    • 'Fake' unidentified costs
    • Random encounter treasure parcel generator.

    For anyone who wants to get notified whenever I post new releases of any of my extensions that you use, here are instructions.

    How can you help?
    If you like my work and wish you could help/contribute in some way (other than code which you are also welcome to contribute to--via GitHub or direct message/my threads), consider creating a new/empty campaign and trying to break them/test them thoroughly.
    I do put in effort to think of 'edge cases', but there are always more that are un-handled; reporting any script errors or strange behavior that arise during your use is greatly appreciated and goes a long way to help improve the reliability of these extensions for yourself and others.
    Last edited by bmos; February 8th, 2024 at 03:06.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Thank you very much for your work, these are amazing!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    I'm starting to have a lot of these and my signature is filling up!
    Taking a page from Kelrugem's book, here is a thread for all of my extensions.
    If you have a suggestion for a new extension, this would be a great place to put it (although I may not have time/interest; no promises!).

    PFRPG Total Encumbrance Extension
    PFRPG Live Hitpoints from Constitution Extension
    PFRPG Sanity Tracker Extension
    PFRPG Spell Formatting Extension
    PFRPG Disease Tracker Extension
    PFRPG Item Durability Extension
    I could see making saving-throws for a fireball!

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  5. #5
    A while back I made a spreadsheet to calculate Hardness and Hitpoints of items. Here it is.

    Hardness and Hitpoints.zip

    It would be cool to generate these numbers automatically. When I created "+1 Breastplate" with custom item generator for example afterward I use spreadsheet and calculate a Hardness of 12 and Hit Points of 15 for a metal breastplate +1.

    Now we have a spot to enter the cool information.

    +1 Breastplate.jpg

    "bmos" thanks much.

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by dellanx View Post
    A while back I made a spreadsheet to calculate Hardness and Hitpoints of items. Here it is.

    Hardness and Hitpoints.zip

    It would be cool to generate these numbers automatically. When I created "+1 Breastplate" with custom item generator for example afterward I use spreadsheet and calculate a Hardness of 12 and Hit Points of 15 for a metal breastplate +1.

    Now we have a spot to enter the cool information.

    +1 Breastplate.jpg

    "bmos" thanks much.
    I would love to do something like this, but I can't imagine how it would work without making a database of materials used to make different items.
    Currently I've been focusing on broken weapon/armor penalties (just finished with weapons), but let me know if you have ideas on how hardness can be calculated.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    I would love to do something like this, but I can't imagine how it would work without making a database of materials used to make different items.
    Currently I've been focusing on broken weapon/armor penalties (just finished with weapons), but let me know if you have ideas on how hardness can be calculated.
    The only thought that comes to mind is the "CustomisedItemGenerator modified.ext" extension by rmilmine based on Faelwen's "CustomisedItemGenerator.ext". It only modifies weapons and armor, but Special Materials and Size are incorporated in the item creation process. The only thing that I don't see consistently in current items is the type of categories mentioned in the damaging items page.

    The data in the "Type" and/or "Subtype" field may have to be referenced or overwritten with values in the "Table: Common Armor, Weapon, and Shield Hardness and Hit Points" for example. It almost seems like a separate field may be needed, because "Subtype" field is also used to describe weapon types in terms of "Simple", Martial" or "Exotic". I hope that helps.

    P.S. The guidance for other items like rings, bracers etc., seems to be worse, the only table that I would use to start the calculation is the "Table: Substance Hardness and Hit Points" plus add bonuses for pluses?

    Also a question, do special weapon qualities such as "Keen", "Vorpal", etc., add bonuses to item hitpoints and hardness, I only see the "enhancement bonus" mentioned?

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by dellanx View Post
    The only thought that comes to mind is the "CustomisedItemGenerator modified.ext" extension by rmilmine based on Faelwen's "CustomisedItemGenerator.ext". It only modifies weapons and armor, but Special Materials and Size are incorporated in the item creation process. The only thing that I don't see consistently in current items is the type of categories mentioned in the damaging items page.

    The data in the "Type" and/or "Subtype" field may have to be referenced or overwritten with values in the "Table: Common Armor, Weapon, and Shield Hardness and Hit Points" for example. It almost seems like a separate field may be needed, because "Subtype" field is also used to describe weapon types in terms of "Simple", Martial" or "Exotic". I hope that helps.

    P.S. The guidance for other items like rings, bracers etc., seems to be worse, the only table that I would use to start the calculation is the "Table: Substance Hardness and Hit Points" plus add bonuses for pluses?

    Also a question, do special weapon qualities such as "Keen", "Vorpal", etc., add bonuses to item hitpoints and hardness, I only see the "enhancement bonus" mentioned?
    Until I have a way to auto-generate hardness and hitpoints, I'm not automating any bonuses to those numbers (since you'll be filling them in manually anyway).
    I could auto-fill a few of the items on the list, based on their names, but it would be a drop in the bucket compared to the total number of items that exist.
    The thought of sorting what weapons are One-handed hafted weapon vs Two-handed hafted weapon vs Light hafted weapon vs One-handed metal-hafted weapon vs Light metal-hafted weapon vs Two-handed blade vs One-handed blade vs Light blade vs Projectile weapon (and the same type of thing for all armor types) is not appealing to me.

    If someone wants to make spreadsheets of everything, I'll consider implementing it, but without such labor-intensive efforts I just don't see a favorably rules-compliant solution beyond having fields for material and weapon type that generate the result when you fill them out. Would that be easier/helpful?

  9. #9
    I think I've figured out a good solution!
    Just putting some finishing touches on it now.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    I think I've figured out a good solution!
    Just putting some finishing touches on it now.
    Very nice!

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

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