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  1. #1

    Packaging RuleSets

    I've figured out where FG-II stores information about RuleSet packages (see the d20.pak in the install directory), but the package file seems to be a proprietry format (hence the d20unpak.exe Im sure).

    What I'd like to see is a small utility for RuleSet creators to be able to package their RuleSets - therefore 'protecting' them, and giving commercial ventures, like Digital Adventures, more piece of mind that their RuleSets wont be pillaged for others' gain, so to speak.

    If SmiteWorks isnt interesting in doing this, perhaps if anyone has information about the pak format, I could give it a bash...

  2. #2
    Oberoten's Avatar
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    Älvsbyn, Sweden
    The .pak files are basic Zip files with a changed extension.
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  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Fairfax County, Virginia
    On a side note, DRM is bad, m'kay?

  4. #4
    Also note that in FG 2 rulesets should be cached locally and I believe encrypted. A user should not have access to them after the session is over to send to others. I havent tested this out yet but was one of the features the devs mentioned at end of beta.

  5. #5
    Is there a way for me to use rulesets from version 1.05 in 2.0? My gaming group just started a modern/future campaign and it appears that I can't use the modern ruleset for 2.0. Is there a way to load the modern ruleset into 2.0? Please help..... thanks.

  6. #6
    Wierd... Im pretty sure I tried changing the extension to Zip, but couldnt open it with a Zip program. I'll try again later.

    Dachannien, what do you mean DRM is bad?

  7. #7
    Oberoten's Avatar
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    Älvsbyn, Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by Donald Woody
    Is there a way for me to use rulesets from version 1.05 in 2.0? My gaming group just started a modern/future campaign and it appears that I can't use the modern ruleset for 2.0. Is there a way to load the modern ruleset into 2.0? Please help..... thanks.
    At the moment... No, there isn't. There might or might not be a conversion kit down the road. But it is a bit of a complex problem since the older rulesets use only XML and the new ones will use both XML and LUA.
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  8. #8
    Oberoten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrDeth
    Wierd... Im pretty sure I tried changing the extension to Zip, but couldnt open it with a Zip program. I'll try again later.

    Dachannien, what do you mean DRM is bad?
    I am a lazy slob, so I basically just choose to associate the .pak file with winrar which seems to do the trick.
    For your Ars Magica needs :

    Atque in perpetuum frater, Ave atque vale.

  9. #9
    Works like a charm - thanks Oberoten.

    Although its not very 'protective' is it?

  10. #10
    Oberoten's Avatar
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    Älvsbyn, Sweden
    The protection would be on the .dat files in the player's cache. I haven't checked how protected they are yet.
    For your Ars Magica needs :

    Atque in perpetuum frater, Ave atque vale.

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