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  1. #1

    newbie here...Star Wars d20 ruleset?

    I am a newbie to FG. A bunch of my buddies and I want to play Star Wars d20. Does anyone know of a ruleset out there for it?


  2. #2
    A few folks have been playing SW but there is no official ruleset out for the setting. Most out have been compiled by users with the savy to design the sheets and do the XML.

  3. #3
    Doswelk's Avatar
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    Surrey, UK
    Of course the main problem that unless you just want a character sheet, you cannot legally acquire a SW ruleset unless you create it yourself....

    Unlike D20 it is not OGL so is subject to copyright....

  4. #4
    That's what I am looking for is a user created ruleset. I know that there isn't an official rleset out.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Danthl
    That's what I am looking for is a user created ruleset. I know that there isn't an official rleset out.
    What he means is, it is ok to create the rule set yourself but not ok to share it with others without the d20 SW licence holder saying 'ok'.


  6. #6
    And we all know how Lucas has maintained tight control over that licence... I happen to know (as anyone he played Living Force knows) that every adventure had to pass the official representative of Lucas (I think he worked for Lucas' company but I am not sure) even though it was an all volunteer campaign.
    All things in life are questions of balance/or timing.

  7. #7
    I take it there is no "pirate" forum out there to create and share rulesets circumventing those silly copyrights is there?

  8. #8
    Stuart's Avatar
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    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by Honduras
    I take it there is no "pirate" forum out there to create and share rulesets circumventing those silly copyrights is there?
    I've posted elsewhere on this - no, there are no "pirate forums" and the whole issue of "copyright" has generated numerous and lengthy exchanges with a pretty unanimous agreement from the FG community that "piracy" will kill a product that we all enjoy.

    Please refrain from this sort of post, it merely convinces publishers not to support us and thus there are only a handful of rulesets in play.

  9. #9
    Drazulfel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Daytona Beach, FL
    So - if the ruleset contains a fully functional Star Wars D20 character sheet with all of the necessary design and XML modifications, but all non-OGL reference material is removed, can it be shared?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Drazulfel
    So - if the ruleset contains a fully functional Star Wars D20 character sheet with all of the necessary design and XML modifications, but all non-OGL reference material is removed, can it be shared?
    I'd say yes, because you can download star wars character sheets readily from the internet legally and free. Correct me if this is a wrong assumption.

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