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Thread: Sunless citadel

  1. #1

    Sunless citadel

    anybody have "the sunless citadel" publish by code monkey publishing a while back?
    or know where i can get it?

  2. #2
    Due to the fact that Code Monkey Publishing does not anymore have the WotC license, they have withdrawn that product, if I remember correctly, the last day it could be purchased was the 30th of November 2006. So, I guess you are out of luck

  3. #3
    is there a different version from some1 with the wotc license ?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2004


  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Only Code Monkey had a license to publish WoTC items and I think it was mostly a left over from them fixing e-Tools for WoTC. Wizards did not extent Code Monkey’s license recently (which cause a great deal of speculation about the reason).

  6. #6
    For those legally inclined out there:

    If I had a purchased copy of this module and I sold it to Ryld for the exact same price I purchased it for as well as completely deleted it from my computer, would that be feasible?

    Basically, it's as if he purchased it directly from Code Monkey prior to the embargo...

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Haplo, you would have to read the license to know for sure. Most licenses actually do not allow this type of transfer - though some do. On a practical note I would be shocked if you did this and really deleted your copy if anyone would give you any trouble - but I am not a lawyer or a publisher with an axe to grind.

    What is important to understand is that even though it is "like" he bought it from Code Monkey - legally it is not the same. It might be easier to see if you though of the module as a bus that WoTC leased to Code Monkey so they could drive people around. When the bus lease expired with Code Monkey, WoTC took their bus back. As you might guess, WoTC might not be too trilled with you if because you rode the bus when it was operated by Code Monkey you suddenly sold a seat on WoTC's bus to someone else.

  8. #8
    That is an excellent observation Griogre. That breaks it down using a simple analogy everyone can understand....kudos!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre
    It might be easier to see if you though of the module as a bus that WoTC leased to Code Monkey so they could drive people around. When the bus lease expired with Code Monkey, WoTC took their bus back. As you might guess, WoTC might not be too trilled with you if because you rode the bus when it was operated by Code Monkey you suddenly sold a seat on WoTC's bus to someone else.
    Now if he really did delete his copy after selling it, then it would more like selling his ticket (or bus pass) to someone else. But yeah it really depends on a lot of things now because of the license not being renewed.

  10. #10
    I was always under the assumption that I should treat the software that I purchase as actual hardware, meaning that I can't make a copy of it. So if I purchased a piece of hardware, I can throw, give, sell it... like buying a Mazda. You can't legally copy a car and call it a mazda using the logos, etc. of that company but you can resell a car that you purchased from Mazda... Does that not make sense?

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