1. #1

    Fantasy Grounds Main Window size

    I'm not sure when this started (probably a month or more), but when I open FG I resize it to my desktop size (multiple monitors), while I'm in FG the resized window will stay the size I want, but when I close FG and reopen the window returns to the default size it was when I first installed FG. I know I could use the fullscreen mode but then I'm limited to one screen instead of my two monitors.

    How do I troubleshoot this.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Do other applications start opened over two screens if you closed them like that?

    I suspect it is a graphics driver setting, but it should effect all apps.

    Also check the properties of your start icon, their may be an option there for window size.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    I am having the same problem. I can open excel stretched across both screens and no matter where I set the size it opens back the same way. Fantasy Grounds seems locked in it's size and I can't have it retain any new size. It does remember if I set it between Maximized and Windowed but Max is single monitor and Windowed always comes back to the same size. Is there some LocalApp setting file that might be corrupt or read only?

  4. #4
    FG attempts to save the x,y position and the width/height of the window; and then restore those using an OS command. There's nothing fancy about what it tries to do.

    It stores the information in the OS registry, so that's where you would see the information saved. (If you're familiar with the registry, the keys are in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Fantasy Grounds or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Fantasy Grounds\2.0 and stored in "WindowPos" and "WindowFullScreen" keys.) So, either it's getting the incorrect information when saving (GetWindowRect API) or the setting window size is failing (SetWindowPlacement API).

    With the current version of FG, we're mostly in maintenance mode as we work full blast on FGU; so this most likely won't be something that we'll be looking at unless we can identify an obvious test case and a way to fix it. If you're comfortable with it and have information on what values are not working in the registry, that might be worth spending a little time looking at.

    My rough guess with no knowledge of your setup is that at least one monitor (which is not the "primary" monitor) is to the left of the primary monitor, and is using negative coordinates.


  5. #5
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    |Make sure that in Windows Display Settings > Display> Multiple displays that it is set to extend these displays.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  6. #6
    I found this post, and thank you Dev for telling me where the registry setting was. I have three monitors and sometimes, very rarely I was able to somehow get Fantasy Grounds work across the three monitors, and sets the resolution quite nicely. Each time it would launch it would be across all three monitors.

    So I have now finally figured it out! I found out that anyone using Display Port which is plug and play, it sometimes during reboots or even waking from sleep the monitors would flip their numbers. Windows realizes this somehow and everything in Windows works fine except a few games / software like Fantasy Grounds and Eve Online which also works fine across three monitors but apparently don't like it when the numbers get flipped around.

    So I created a registry file that looks like this for then my monitors are 1, 2, 3:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Fantasy Grounds\2.0]
    Screenshot - 5_31_2020 , 2_25_25 PM.png

    And next time my monitors flip again to one of the ones below, I will create another registry that will allow for a full screen launch depending on which monitor is the "first" in the list.
    Screenshot - 5_31_2020 , 2_25_35 PM.png
    Screenshot - 5_31_2020 , 2_25_43 PM.png

    So it seems that depending on which monitor is "number 1" is what causes Fantasy Grounds to go weird because a negative into a monitor that currently doesn't exist anymore doesn't work from the API standpoint. Hope this helps perhaps even later the Unity version to be able to stretch and be happy with multiple monitors in situations like this!
    Last edited by Amerisun; June 1st, 2020 at 01:49.

  7. #7

    How could you tell your monitors got flipped around other than Fantasy Grounds not displaying properly?

  8. #8

    I casually play a game Eve Online which works great across multiple monitors, even better than any other game I have tried on my 3 monitor setup. (spreadsheets in space!!) Ever since I installed my 3 monitor setup I had problems with that game acting weird sometimes, like broken / only showing on two monitors instead of all three, like it had "moved" over one monitor and the rest was off to the right somewhere outside what I could see (maybe if I had a 4th monitor it would be on that?). To fix it I needed to change the monitor it started on in the pull down graphic attached below. Right now it's set to 3 because my monitors are 1, 2 and 3. But when they get mixed up I sometimes have to choose 1 or 2 so that it works correctly over the three monitors.

    Screenshot - 6_1_2020 , 10_26_27 AM.png

    I only realized this was causing the same problem for Fantasy Grounds because the same night I had problems with my 3 monitors on Eve I had the same problem on Fantasy Grounds (few nights ago), found this post which gave me the Reg Key I needed to solve the problem (still though with some manual intervention) and figured I would share my experience as it might help someone else.

    I will say that it's probably a windows or driver problem, as over time it has been less of a problem, probably due to windows patches or new drivers I have downloaded from Nvidia. When I first started having this problem, it would happen frequently when my computer woke up or rebooted, it was very frustrating. Over time it happens less frequently, but still happens now and again. One thing I also wanted to share is that it never happened when I had multiple monitors on DVI or HDMI for example, on the graphics card / windows they must have a fixed number on them where they are, only seems to happen on my computer with Display Port. I have two other computers in the house with more than one monitor.

    Although even when the monitors flip around, Windows seems to figure it out and doesn't care, it's always games or software that is not Microsoft based that I seem to run into small troubles like this with.
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    Last edited by Amerisun; June 1st, 2020 at 15:51. Reason: attaching correct image

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