5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1

    New Campaign (Greyhawk)

    Hey all,
    I'm just about done with my first FG adventure. It is based in the Greyhawk setting using the Living Greyhawk Gazeteer, with any smaller details filled in with homebrew stuff. I'm looking for 4-5 players who want to give it a go.
    Setting: Greyhawk
    Books: Core Only (Only books I have)
    Starting Level: 1st (28 point buy)
    DM style: Even mix of roleplaying and combat. Prefer creative and descriptive players.
    Game time: Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. 8-11pm EST.
    If we get a group going I plan on expanding it into a full campaign. Post here if interested or PM.

  2. #2
    Sign me up for the game Calvin if you get enough people. Will wait to see how many we get before choosing a character.


  3. #3
    Cool LostTribe. If I get enough interest I'll post the game on the calendar and give ya an invite.

  4. #4
    Count me in! Can you tell us a bit about the setting so we can get working on our characters

  5. #5

  6. #6


    I would be interested, although I Can not play on wed. Let me know. KWB

  7. #7
    Alright cool, we got enough interest. I will put the game on the calendar and give invites and post additional game info there.

  8. #8
    Zangeon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    TG. Mures, Romania ( ever heard of the place ?)
    I'm absolutly new to the pen and paper world but i'm very willing and eager to learn.So if you can stand a newbie in your party just gimme a shout or somethin'.

  9. #9
    Nice to see we have so much interest. Monday or Tuesday is good for me since kb is unavailable for Wednesdays.


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Zangeon
    I'm absolutly new to the pen and paper world but i'm very willing and eager to learn.So if you can stand a newbie in your party just gimme a shout or somethin'.
    Hi Zangeon,
    We already have a full group. However, it is my experience that eventually people have other commitments and can't start or continue the campaign. If someone drops I will invite you ASAP to join. I have no problem with new players (I am new to 3.5 D&D as well), but in the mean time I recommend learning the players hand book backwards and forwards.
    EDIT: Also Zangeon, I see you are in Romania. I'm not sure on the time difference, but the game will be 8-11pm Eastern US time zone, which I think would be very early morning for you. Just something to keep in mind.
    Last edited by calvinNhobbes; November 14th, 2006 at 15:09.

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