1. #1

    3.5e and Pathfinder report


    Here some things I have noticed in 3.5e (and probably in Pathfinder, too, but I didn't check Pathfinder separately).

    Functional problems
    1. When I add a spellclass to some character sheet and change the number of spells per day in some level (where 0 spells/day are) to something unzero, then the subfolder for this spell level will not be created until I restart the campaign. E.g. changing the spells/day for level 1 from zero to one spell/day will result into the typical subfolder for level 1 spells and so I can not drag&drop spells into that or creat own ones.
    2. When I made a grid on some map then it is not saved, i.e. the grid vanishes after a restart.
    3. Effect and health information tooltips are not showing anymore when I hover over their icons (could be also a problem in other rulesets, only tested that in 3.5e)
    4. The hover options in "GM: Show effects/helath" do not work properly anymore (effect icons are still shown when not hovering over the token). I didn't test the corresponding player options, so maybe there are similar problems (also this may be a problem in other rulesets, just seen this in 3.5)
    5. The global toggle of visibility for NPCs in the CT have to be clicked twice to change it from invisible to visible

    Visual things
    1. The shield icon/underlay of the total AC value in the main tab is cut on the top.
    2. The numbers in a character sheet are now a bit bigger. Not really a problem, just a report to make sure if this is intended
    3. When the icons for portraits are round (and its token) like in the Dungeon Theme then there is some visual glitch in its boundary (there are some repeated things of the image in the boundary)
    4. Per default maps are locked such that the toolbar for mapping tools should not be visible. However the toolbar can be seen when one opens the image the first time (unlocking and locking it again fixes that).
    5. When I use CTRL+Mouse wheel to change the value of some number field in a character sheet then there is not this little circle with the bonus number in it anymore. Not sure if that is intended

    Have fun
    Last edited by Kelrugem; August 20th, 2019 at 08:58.

  2. #2
    The percentage die for stabilization rolls is now d100+d10 instead of a single d100. (Is the string for the percentage now "d100" instead of {"d100", "d10"}? Just out of curiosity because I used the percentage die also in one of my extensions, then I would know what to replace later )

  3. #3
    Spell Groups not Displaying When Spells Per Day Changed
    Added as task FGU-434.

    Disappearing Grid
    Do you have more details on which map you were using, and the exact steps you followed? I tried with a generic map pack, and it worked okay.

    Tooltips not Appearing on Token Widgets
    Filed as FGU-435.

    Token Widgets not Disappearing on Hover Exit When Option Set
    Added as FGU-436.

    Two Clicks to change CT global Visibility Toggle
    I'm not able to recreate this. It changes with a single click for me. Any steps to recreate? Does it happen every time? (open/close campaign, open/close CT, close all other windows, ...)

    AC Frame Cut Off
    Filed as FGU-437.

    Bigger Number Font
    This is because a completely different font is being used. We tried to pick a font with numbers that were a similar shape and size. We can adjust later if an issue.

    Visual Glitch in Dungeon Theme Portraits
    Added as FGU-438.

    Image Data View Visible While Locked
    Can you clarify what you mean by "per default maps"? Specific examples are even better.

    Numerical Field Widgets not Displaying when Editing PC Fields via Mouse Wheel
    Added as FGU-439.

    Stabilization Roll Throwing Too Many Dice
    Yes, rulesets/extensions that use d100 will need to be updated not to add an additional d10, since it's handled automatically now using the new 0-9 die. Added as FGU-440.


  4. #4
    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Disappearing Grid
    Do you have more details on which map you were using, and the exact steps you followed? I tried with a generic map pack, and it worked okay.
    I used the map "Floor Plan: GM Blood Temple" of the provided module "Well Met in Kith'takharos". To reproduce that:
    *Add a grid to that map (and I did only that)
    *Close FGU
    *Open FGU again and start the campaign
    *Open "Floor Plan: GM Blood Temple" again
    *Grid disappeared and has to be set again

    But maybe not the case in your probably newer version?

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Two Clicks to change CT global Visibility Toggle
    I'm not able to recreate this. It changes with a single click for me. Any steps to recreate? Does it happen every time? (open/close campaign, open/close CT, close all other windows, ...)
    I just tested it again and now I know what the problem is: It works fine when there is at least one NPC. But when there are no NPCs in the CT then I have this strange behaviour (with the global toggle of course). But, thus, not really a problem since one does not need that button when there are no NPCs (Aaah, just tested it in FGC: Also there is that behaviour Never tested it there since one does not need that button without NPCs. Therefore really not an issue, especially not for FGU. Sorry, was not expecting that there is a distinction with zero NPCs)

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Image Data View Visible While Locked
    Can you clarify what you mean by "per default maps"? Specific examples are even better.
    Oh, I meant "By default" not "per default" I meant that the default setting for every map is that it is locked when I open it the first time, in my case the maps and images of the provided module "Well Met in Kith'takharos". When I open them I see the image plus the new toolbar on the right although the image is locked via the lock in the very upper right corner But maybe only a problem of that one module?

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Stabilization Roll Throwing Too Many Dice
    Yes, rulesets/extensions that use d100 will need to be updated not to add an additional d10, since it's handled automatically now using the new 0-9 die. Added as FGU-440.

    Ah okay, thanks for the insight

    To the fonts: I understand, I do not have any problem with it (the numbers look somehow nicer, I guess). But it could be that more people start to report that in the beta phase, depending on whether they like it
    Last edited by Kelrugem; August 22nd, 2019 at 03:50.

  5. #5
    Disappearing Grid
    Currently, I'm just running the latest build from the FGU alpha playtest to test; just noted that in case you hadn't updated yet or tested before update earlier this week.
    I was able to reproduce using your specific directions. Filed as FGU-444.

    CT Visibility Toggle
    Added as FGU-441. This is not FGU specific, so it will be low priority for FGU playtest.

    Image Data View Visible While Locked
    I see what you mean. Filed as FGU-443.


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