1. #1

    SRD and the background.


    I have a quick modification question. I recently got the d20-SRD upgrade for the extra rules, etc etc... But now I am faced with this parchment background instead of the standard wooden backdrop. Not a big fan of the new background and I'm having difficulty changing it back without just running straight d20.

    Any ideas on how to get around this, or possibly just remove this parchment background?


  2. #2
    Stuart's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United Kingdom
    Go into the folder : d20-SRD\data\textures and you will find a png called "parchment". This can be replaced with any image you like for your desktop.

    Make a copy of the file "resource.pak" in the Fantasy Grounds folder ... drag it to your desktop, rename it "resource.zip", unzip it. This gives you the unpacked default d20 ruleset. Go into \data\texture and grab the png that says "wood" (I think - this is all from memory) and rename it "parchment" ... pop that into the SRD \data\textures folder.

    There is another way if you want to play with xml ... possibly simpler, certainly more elegant.

  3. #3


    That did it,

    Thanks for that. Making that .pak file into a zip is a nice trick to know for future mods.


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