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  1. #1

    Forgotten Realms

    I was wondering if there is much interest in a Forgotten Realms campaign set in the wonderful city of splendors, Waterdeep. I was in the middle of creating a module for a group that I game with when disaster struck. Real Life reared its ugly head, and three of our 5 members were no longer able to play.

    Having been exposed to Fantasy Grounds via the game group, I thought I would check it out for myself. I am quite impressed. So, I am going to transfer the information I have so far into this medium, and try to get a game off and running. I am hoping there is enough interest to get several more players, as well as the one remaining from my previous group.

    We are in the US Eastern Time Zone, which is GMT -5 I believe. Early evenings are the best time, though Wednesdays are out. Any other day during the week is good, provided the game begins after 7pm. An 8pm start time is best, but it is open for discussion.

    As I finish getting the bit I had previously written transferred over to Fantasy Grounds, I will add this game to the game calander.

    I see the game occuring mostly within the confines of the city, though I am holding it to that completely. The beginning few scenerios are very much Urban/Dungeon crawls. From there, the path the PC's choose will dictate the direction of the game.

    I look forward to hearing from you with your ideas and such.


  2. #2
    Depending upon which night you end up playing I would be interested. I have most of the Forgotten Realms 3.5 books and it looks fairly interesting. What level characters were you looking to start out with and how many points will you allow for attributes? I always like setting up new characters.

  3. #3
    id be in, a few of the things ive signed up for arent panning out to well.

    Contact me?? Please please please contact me by xfire:
    "Dedeko" is my user name, my nickname is Meat Shield

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyjoe
    Depending upon which night you end up playing I would be interested. I have most of the Forgotten Realms 3.5 books and it looks fairly interesting. What level characters were you looking to start out with and how many points will you allow for attributes? I always like setting up new characters.

    As far as night, I thought we could discuss that and see where people will fall in. As I said, virtually any evening is good for me.

    As far as character creation, I am thinking that I will start all PC's at lvl 3 or 4, but I have not yet decided on Stats. I usually have players roll stats, since it adds to the randomness of the game, but then again, it may also not allow a player to play a specific class he or she wanted to play.

    So I will throw it out there, what do you think has a better feel? Rolling or point buy?

  5. #5
    point buy is the method of choice on here. Friday nights so it fits fine with my other scheduled games. Im in your timezone too

    Contact me?? Please please please contact me by xfire:
    "Dedeko" is my user name, my nickname is Meat Shield

  6. #6

    Interested in Mon, Wed, or Thu

    I'm in the EST time zone and am interested. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are probably best for me. 8 PM or even 9 PM would be good. I have yet to purchase FG but would happily do so given prospects of a good game. I'm open to any stat determination method, but I do like the challenge of the random roll.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Charlatan
    I was wondering if there is much interest in a Forgotten Realms campaign set in the wonderful city of splendors, Waterdeep.
    I am just finishing a book called Waterdeep, city of splendors. I would be VERY interested, but I'm in GMT+2 timezone

  8. #8
    I'd be game but probly have be a monday or wed's. I already have a game for friday. Anywhere after just abit of 9pm est would be fine (i wouldnt get home till 9:15pm)

  9. #9
    i would be up for a game, any day but friday.

  10. #10
    Ok.. I have thought about it, and I think I would like to use the rolling method for generating ability scores. I will have an open session set aside specifically for character generation, and player introductions. That way, everyone is on the same page.

    All standard classes will be allowed, and characters will begin at lvl 3 will full hitpoints and hitpoint bonuses up to 3rd level.

    Character backgrounds are not required, but could be helpful. The game will begin in the city of Waterdeep at a place to be announced.

    So, when is a good day for people to get together and create characters? Perhaps this Monday evening say from 7pm on?

    Lets talk.

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