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  1. #1

    What your signed up for

    I was wondering, what the norm is for how many online and offline sessions of D&D the typical players does here. I signed up for 3 so far, and waiting for 1 of them to start.

    How many games are you signed up for at any 1 moment? Online? Offline?

    Contact me?? Please please please contact me by xfire:
    "Dedeko" is my user name, my nickname is Meat Shield

  2. #2
    I'd say as long as they don't create conflicts with each other, and you feel comfortable switching from game to game, sign up for as many as you want. I myself have only signed up for one so far, as that's the only one that interests me and works for me at the moment.

  3. #3
    I DM one game fortnightly and play in another weekly.
    Would be more but real-life keeps interfering with my plans.

    /mood (shaking fist angrily at the world) Curse you reality!
    Work Less, Game More!

  4. #4
    Stuart's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by Toadwart
    /mood (shaking fist angrily at the world) Curse you reality!
    I hear you !
    I manage 4 games a week as a DM ... but only just ... I only ever planned to run 2 long term but things kinda got out of control.

    I now live in a shoebox on the M1 and have no money ...
    Of course I kept up a broadband connection.

  5. #5
    I find that my time for playing over the 'net has diminished.

    Instead I'm running RPGA sessions at a retail game store.
    This space for rent!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart
    I now live in a shoebox on the M1 and have no money ...
    Of course I kept up a broadband connection.
    As a beneficiary of Stuart's hard work, I'm going to start a "lets buy Stuart a larger shoebox to live in fund!"

    Wanna Play? playing Wanna DM? maybe sometime... Best day to play? Flexible Best time to play? Evenings Time Zone: GMT -4 (EDT)

  7. #7
    Yeah, I have high regard for Stuart, not sure how he handles running so many games and still manage to get out of his shoebox to have a job/life/eat/shower/etc.
    • snikle •
    . .lapsus calumni. .

  8. #8

    I think he somehow makes time for tea and rugby, not real sure where a shower ranks in his priorities... Hey, there's another plus for playing through FG, you don't have to smell the other players.

    He does run a great campaign though! Wonder what I'll be rolling up after he reads this post...


    P.S. - My apologies for hijacking this thread just a little bit.
    Wanna Play? playing Wanna DM? maybe sometime... Best day to play? Flexible Best time to play? Evenings Time Zone: GMT -4 (EDT)

  9. #9
    Stuart's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by BaldMike
    I think he somehow makes time for tea and rugby
    MAKE time ? My dear boy ... there is ALWAYS time for tea and rugby. You colonials lost that ability when you a) dumped crates of good darjeeling into the Atlantic and b) took a perfectly good game and added armor plating, cheerleaders and ridiculously outfitted officials.

    More seriously, thanks for the comments

    I've posted before - I was lucky in the players that signed up and tho' I wanted a long running game I had no idea that there would be so many enthusiastic and committed players in the FG community. We have now ben playing for over a year and I think we are pretty close to notching up 100 FG sessions and approximately 400 hours of insanity.

    Anybody worked out how many active games are running and the ratio of DM to players ? I think it high time that some sort of survey was done ... it would help us hugely at Digital to know what stuff is being played and the Uglies too. Both produce excellent maps, tokens, modules and rulesets (some free) ... are we producing enough of the right stuff ?

    Anybody want to create a board for this ? Snikle ?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart

    Anybody worked out how many active games are running and the ratio of DM to players ? I think it high time that some sort of survey was done ... it would help us hugely at Digital to know what stuff is being played and the Uglies too. Both produce excellent maps, tokens, modules and rulesets (some free) ... are we producing enough of the right stuff ?

    Anybody want to create a board for this ? Snikle ?
    I think this is a great idea actually Stuart - I know it'll help ME lots with some of the planning on what I wanna do once some of my current projects are done with. tho fair warning - I prefer doing Urban Fantasy style stuff - so anythin I do will likely be flavoured that way
    Vincent Kingston
    [email protected]

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