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  1. #1

    Please try to connect to me

    I would like someone faithful and lawful good (sorry bout that) to test my connection, it will be running the next 24 hrs, so please, please

  2. #2
    Oberoten's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Älvsbyn, Sweden
    Alas, unable to connect.

    Have you checked port 1802?
    For your Ars Magica needs :

    Atque in perpetuum frater, Ave atque vale.

  3. #3
    I'd be happy to help you...drop me an email when you are ready...

    Campaign World: Cthasia - The Ohne Islands
    King's Library Hosting, Hosting-The way it's supposed to be.

  4. #4


    Where can I check the port?
    New hope comes, as old hope leaves, they say, but never before had anything seemed so hopeless

  5. #5
    wasn't able to connect either.
    Alea Iacta Est
    The Die is Cast!

  6. #6
    Oberoten's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Älvsbyn, Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by Ancannios
    Where can I check the port?

    https://www.canyouseeme.org/ Is a good one. It helped me lots.
    For your Ars Magica needs :

    Atque in perpetuum frater, Ave atque vale.

  7. #7
    I just wanted to point you in this direction, in case you stumble upon more questions as you move forward.

    FG Knowledge Base - Firewalls

    I hope this helps.


    If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself. -- Confucius

  8. #8

    No password

    I dont have the password to my router! It is the gaylords that did our internet connection who have it! And I see no way my parents are going to let me change any of the internet settings, even if I asked them for the password
    Is there no other way to open port 1802?
    New hope comes, as old hope leaves, they say, but never before had anything seemed so hopeless

  9. #9
    If the router is plug and play, which is different from cards or drives that are plug and play, some software will automatically open your firewall in your router. One in particular that will is Screenmonkey. However with that option the issue is that it will also automatically close it when you exit the software. (Why ScreenMonkey is the only one of this genre of software that will do this is beyond me.)

    Otherwise you need to have the password.
    That which does not kill you, has made a tactical error.
    For insight and an opportunity to play in my Wednesday evening Traveller (T20) campaign visit my webpage. No license required.

  10. #10
    I guessed the password!
    (I know you guys are not really interested in my little problem, but, for the sake of the good feeling, I had to tell you this )
    Now all that remains is to open the port(s) and then Ill notify you to try and test my connection again (if you want to).
    Happy Gaming
    New hope comes, as old hope leaves, they say, but never before had anything seemed so hopeless

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