5E Product Walkthrough Playlist

Thread: Classic titles

  1. #1

    Classic titles

    Anyone have a group that plays the classic modules? And if you do do you have room for anyone to join?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You might try here. And send bobthebuilder a PM. I'm not entirely sure what a classic module is though.

    I'm running Rappan Athuk which *feels* like a classic module.
    Last edited by Griogre; September 6th, 2006 at 22:14.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre
    You might try here. And send bobthebuilder a PM. I'm not entirely sure what a classic module is though.

    I'm running Rappan Athuk which *feels* like a classic module.

    RA was originally created for 1e, so I think it classifies as a classic module.
    Alea Iacta Est
    The Die is Cast!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    RA was undoubtly created under earlier D&D rules the old maps show that pretty clearly as does the monster selections/choices. So it does "feel" like one of the early modules.

    I was not sure he was refering to playing with 3.x rules though. RA currently assumes the 3.x ruleset which really doesn't play the same way AD&D or earlier played. I'm pretty sure that at one time RA was much bigger number of roomwise.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre
    I'm pretty sure that at one time RA was much bigger number of roomwise.
    In 3.x combat I'm sure if they kept the same amount of encounters due to a bunch of rooms, the module would take a veeeery long time to complete.
    Alea Iacta Est
    The Die is Cast!

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Oh yeah, and you would be a lot higher level that the design of the level assumed - so it would be *boring*. Hard to feel that life or death struggle when you character are wailing away on stuff too easy (of course the definition of too easy and hard can be in the eye of the beholder, LOL).

  7. #7
    Well from my experience in RA, its tough, death is most likely more common than life
    Alea Iacta Est
    The Die is Cast!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by hottoad
    Anyone have a group that plays the classic modules? And if you do do you have room for anyone to join?
    As Griogre said, you may send me a private message because I run Classic D&D adventures using Fantasy Grounds and I do have several classic modules that I would be more than happy to run. This of course would be the original modules using the original D&D rules. Fast, easy and fun.

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