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    Skillkoil's Avatar
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    Useful shortcuts and tips to use in Fantasy Grounds

    *Edit* Added Colors and formatting to make easier to read.

    When I talk to other GM's and long time players of FG, I almost always learn something. I wanted to compile a list of shortcuts and little tips that make playing/running a game easier.

    *Dragging the "Next Actor / End Turn" button from the Combat Tracker to a hotkey.
    Especially useful for players who may not always have the Combat Tracker open.

    *Dragging Damage/Healing/Attack Rolls/Spell Saves from chat to token or combat tracker.
    Nice to have if you or a player forget to target something before rolling. This will apply damage/heal, show if you hit or not and force a save against the target.

    *Holding [SHIFT] while clicking or dragging damage will make the damage roll as a critical hit.
    Helpful if you or a player forget to target something before the roll. Faster than opening the "Modifiers" (+/-) button and choosing critical.

    *Dragging /lighting COLOR-HEX-CODE to a hotbar and then renaming it.
    If you are a GM that likes to use custom background colors for caves, dusk/dawn, if a player dies etc.. You can type /lighting ff0000 for example and then drag that from chat before you press enter and place it in a hotkey. Then right click on hotkey and rename it "Player Death" so you can change the mood dramatically & quickly. (Great Resource for Color Hex Codes is:

    *Dragging Images Directly into FG Folder while game is running.
    Instead of navigating to a directory and copy/paste images for your campaigns you can just drag the image directly into whatever Image group you have open in FG. Great for adding a map/image during a game or just quickly getting things prepared.

    *Right clicking while dragging dice to add more.
    Great for casters or anyone who wants to add dice without editing their spells. Example: Your wizard casts Chromatic Orb at 3rd Level. While they are dragging the damage to the creature they can right click twice to add the two extra damage dice they receive for casting at a higher level. This feature has tons of uses.

    *Editing Weapon Meta on the Action Tab.
    At the top of the Action Tab where it says "WEAPONS" you can click the magnifying glass and increase the critical range for melee/ranged and add extra dice as well. (Brutal Critical)(Improved Critical)

    *Holding [SHIFT] while dragging multiples of the same item. "Grabbing the whole stack"
    If you or a player is moving a stack of items like 5 Rations from the party sheet to their inventory or vice-versa they can hold [SHIFT] and drag all 5 at once. Much faster than dragging five times.

    **Added from Replies**

    *Clicking both mouse buttons to create a quick arrow/pointer
    Great for players and GMs who want to quickly point to something on a map or image. Simply click both mouse buttons and drag to the area you want to address.You can also:
    [SHIFT]+both mouse buttons = draw a Square
    [CTRL]+both mouse buttons = draw a Circle (Halfront)
    [ALT]+both mouse buttons = draw a Cone

    Both mouse buttons clicked without moving the mouse will *clear* the figure drawn this way.(Andraax)

    *Vote / Ready Check in Chat Window.
    You can use the /vote feature to check if everyone is ready to play at the beginning of a session or after a break. Or you can give an anonymous vote to your group for a binary choice. Examples: /vote Ready? or /vote Check mark to continue playing or X to stop for the night. When clicking on the circles that show up in chat one click makes a check two makes an x. This allows your group to make a decision without feeling pressured because it is anonymous.(You can even cover questions with 3 answers by giving third choice to leave the circle blank)

    *Using the middle mouse button to move around the map.(Halfront)
    You can navigate large maps and images with the middle mouse button instead of using the navigate button on the bottom right of a map/image.

    *Middle mouse to accept movement of tokens when they are locked.(madman)
    As a DM/GM you can just click the middle mouse button over a token instead of right clicking and choosing accept move. Great time saver!

    *Middle mouse button on "hidden" rolls / text in the GM's chat window shares the hidden roll with players.(Andraax)
    Instead of dragging rolls and other hidden text out of chat and dropping it back in just click the "Middle Mouse Button".

    *While in mask mode holding [SHIFT] while drawing to unmask.
    This allows a GM to unmask things more natrually. Instead of cropping out a square you can hold SHIFT and draw curves, circles or any shape you want to reveal.
    (LordEntrails) added:
    Holding [CTRL] will re-mask using the rectangle.
    Holding [CTRL]+[SHIFT] will re-mask using the freehand tool.

    *Holding [CTRL] while left clicking to resize maps or images.(Moon Wizard)
    If you hold [CTRL] and left click on a map/image you can move the mouse up and left to resize or down and right to zoom in.(Or middle mouse wheel for zoom)
    ^You can use this same method to resize any window within FG: Story, Table, Items, etc. Very handy tip!(GarthGiantbane)

    *Dragging GREEN helmet on the Combat Tracker to an image places tokens of all Friendly units in Combat tracker on the image.(Three of Swords)
    Very useful for adding tokens for all the PCs to a map. Same with Yellow and Red, though usually those are already set up in an Encounter.

    *Use the Modifier box in the lower-left to add or subtract large values to things like Gold pieces on a character sheet.(Three of Swords)
    That way the math is done automatically. If you sell an item for 3482 gp, type that number into the Modifier box and drag it to your gold pieces field on your character sheet to add it. To subtract, either type a negative value into the modifier field, or hit CTRL when dropping a positive value on to the gold pieces field to remove the coins.

    *Right clicking on the chat window and selecting unlock position will let you resize chat window & move it to another location on the desktop.(mac40k)
    With desktop real estate being at a premium useful to shrink the chat window to the smallest possible as you can always scroll back to earlier entries as needed.
    ^You can do the same thing (unlock) the dice tower and re-position it as well. You can move the dice too if you don't like their position.(LordEntrails)

    *Double clicking on your portrait on the top right of your character sheet will pull up the current map you are on. (damned)
    This is great if you accidentally close a battle map or are returning to a session and need to pull up a map. Saves time for the GM having to share the image.

    * Holding shift and clicking or dragging an attack roll will designate it as an Attack of Opportunity in certain rulesets.(DM Vass)
    This is helpful to show the reason for attack and if it is triggering an effect made by an AOO.

    * Using the preparation button at the bottom of the actions tab for more than just spells.
    You can create entries like healing potions and racial abilities that either have a finite amount of uses or so many uses per day/rest.* By switching to preparation mode you can set the number of uses and when/if those uses come back/reset.* This is helpful for keeping track of lots of things from rations to a Paladin's lay on hands.

    I welcome anyone from the community to share theirs as well. I will add it to this OP with your name. I hope this helps!

    MODERATOR: Removed obsolete tip.
    Last edited by Moon Wizard; February 8th, 2025 at 09:27.

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    Skillkoil's Avatar
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    I'm glad you had those older posts, I did a search and it came up with bupkiss. Thanks for sharing!

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    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Use the "Site Search" link rather than the forum search magnifying glass.

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    Skillkoil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Use the "Site Search" link rather than the forum search magnifying glass.
    Good to know!

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    Skillkoil's Avatar
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    *Vote / Ready Check in Chat Window.

    You can use the /vote feature to check if everyone is ready to play at the beginning of a session or after a break. Or you can give an anonymous vote to your group for a binary choice. Examples: /vote Ready? or /vote Check mark to continue playing or X to stop for the night. When clicking on the circles that show up in chat one click makes a check two makes an x. This allows your group to make a decision without feeling pressured because it is anonymous.(You can even cover questions with 3 answers by giving third choice to leave the circle blank)

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  7. #7
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skillkoil View Post
    *Vote / Ready Check in Chat Window.

    You can use the /vote feature to check if everyone is ready to play at the beginning of a session or after a break. Or you can give an anonymous vote to your group for a binary choice. Examples: /vote Ready? or /vote Check mark to continue playing or X to stop for the night. When clicking on the circles that show up in chat one click makes a check two makes an x. This allows your group to make a decision without feeling pressured because it is anonymous.(You can even cover questions with 3 answers by giving third choice to leave the circle blank)
    Actually, it's not anonymous. There is a simple way to figure out who voted in which circle/box. Also, be aware, I think the number of votes is equal to the number of characters, not players.

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    Skillkoil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Actually, it's not anonymous. There is a simple way to figure out who voted in which circle/box. Also, be aware, I think the number of votes is equal to the number of characters, not players.
    The fact of the post was that the circles don't correspond to the order of the characters. It is "somewhat" anonymous, enough so, that people can vote on simple things like playing longer or not. The fact that you can "figure out" who checked where probably won't matter to 99% of people. It is just a function that I mention to people and most of them never knew about it. It is linked to the number of characters in play. The majority of games will have one player per player character.


    Vote is connected to the Players in game. And most games have one player per player character.
    Last edited by Skillkoil; September 6th, 2018 at 18:48.

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    It's linked to the number of characters? In which ruleset? All of the ones I have used frequently (more than just testing out stuff) the /vote is linked to the *players*.

    So, players that have more than one character have to vote multiple times?

  10. #10
    Skillkoil's Avatar
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    Yeah I miss spoke in the reply. It is set to "Players" connected to the game. I transposed players and characters.

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