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  1. #21
    Is there a way to have it add a number of something that isn't coin?

    I have tables of gems and have linked them in a treasure table, but it only ever adds one of them. I'd like for it to add a random amount like with coins.

    For example: [4d6] [Gems 10gp] should add between 4 and 12 10gp gems, but the amount is always 1.

    Is it possible to allow it to do this or is this a FG limitation? Or am I doing it wrong?

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Rino View Post
    I tried with this, and also tried to copy them to my campaign (and the unload it).

    Result: If I roll from the Tables (i.e. 'CR 11-16', etc), it works (just need to specify 'parcel' output).

    However, if I roll from an ecounter using the button 'Generate Random Treasure Parcel', the first die is allways 'd1' - which basically only produces '1' as result.

    I get same result as the video from the dropbox above here too.

    So it looks like that button has some bugs.
    That is the internal table the extension generates, I believe it only has the one line, the ones following that are the actual results from your tables. It seems to work correctly

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Forecaster View Post
    Is there a way to have it add a number of something that isn't coin?

    I have tables of gems and have linked them in a treasure table, but it only ever adds one of them. I'd like for it to add a random amount like with coins.

    For example: [4d6] [Gems 10gp] should add between 4 and 12 10gp gems, but the amount is always 1.

    Is it possible to allow it to do this or is this a FG limitation? Or am I doing it wrong?
    It was difficult to understand (even though it's mentioned in first post), but the key to get it to work is by putting ALL random treasure tables into the GROUP "Random Treasure Generator Extension". If you do that, then it will work. You can modify your tables within that group to a great extent. See other example .mod which developer has posted in this thread. If you use that one, make sure you copy those tables into the correct group (they don't come in the correct group by just using the .mod).

    In there you can modify or create new tables (for example what you wrote).

    EDIT: GROUP "Random Treasure Generator Extension" = within "Tables"

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Rino View Post
    It was difficult to understand (even though it's mentioned in first post), but the key to get it to work is by putting ALL random treasure tables into the GROUP "Random Treasure Generator Extension". If you do that, then it will work. You can modify your tables within that group to a great extent. See other example .mod which developer has posted in this thread. If you use that one, make sure you copy those tables into the correct group (they don't come in the correct group by just using the .mod).

    In there you can modify or create new tables (for example what you wrote).

    EDIT: GROUP "Random Treasure Generator Extension" = within "Tables"
    Those use the DMG module which I do not have.

    More to the point though, the syntax [4x][Gems 10gp] works fine. There's no issue with my setup as far as I can tell.

    The issue is that the [1d6] syntax only seems to work for coin, for anything else it appears to always produce 1.

    It'd be great if I could randomize the number of gems slightly or similar.

  5. #25
    I figured it out. You have to do it like this [2d6x] for it to work with non-coin entries.

    So 2d6 is seemingly replaced by the rolled number and it becomes for example [12x] which is then parsed correctly.

  6. #26
    Where do I get the Extension?

  7. #27
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thedogfood View Post
    Where do I get the Extension?
    Bottom of the first post. If you don't see the link, then make sure that you are viewing the full site and not the mobile site, and that you have the "FG Responsive" theme set in the bottom left corner of the page.

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
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    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  8. #28
    Hello everyone!

    Nice extension. I've tried it out and it's a really nice addition. But what worries me is, that it's generating items based on the number of NPC's within an encounter.
    If there's an encounter with 1 semi-boss and let's say 20 rats, that would be 21 npc's. The parcel generator generates therefor a lot of treasure for just rats.

    Of course it's possible to manually adjust the items within the parcel after creating it but I could make my own parcels then.

    Is there a way to set the #'s rolled to a maximum value like the CR or something like that? So with the example with the 1 semi-boss and 20 rats that might be a CR of 1 or 2, so the parcel only adds 2 items from that table instead of 21 (even though it's not taking 21 as granted).

    I hope that was somewhat clear if not, just ask for clarification

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards

  9. #29
    It's been a while since i've used this extension so I may be doing something wrong. I did a couple of test rolls and everything i rolled came from the individual treasure tables. Is there no way to use the treasure horde instead of the individual treasure tables in the DMG?

  10. #30
    The generator won't roll a second table like rolling from the actual table will. Is there a way to do that?Parcel 1.jpg

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