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Thread: Cut/Paste

  1. #1


    Any hope that 1.06 will allow us to cut/paste from one document to our FG documents?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Yost
    Any hope that 1.06 will allow us to cut/paste from one document to our FG documents?
    Hell yes! Please, for the love of all holy things, incorporate this at some point! I like to do some "breadboarding" in a text editor, since moving stuff and previewing stuff is so much easier.

    Also for those of us who are challenged in writing, it would be nice to be able to cut/paste/move.
    a.k.a. The Watcher

    Played: The Realm, DAoC. Playing: DDO, Runescape. Looking to: PotBS.

    Wanting to run a D&D 3.5 FG Campaign (in design).

  3. #3
    Stuart's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United Kingdom
    I'm clearly missing something as you can cut and paste from a document into FG. What you cannot do is cut and paste from FG into anything unless you use the xml module/campaign files.

  4. #4
    Ummm try highlighting the text you want to cut and paste and hold ctrl and press c then go to the document in FG and hold ctrl and press v

    that should let you cut and paste text over. ehem....works for me anyway.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart
    I'm clearly missing something as you can cut and paste from a document into FG. What you cannot do is cut and paste from FG into anything unless you use the xml module/campaign files.
    I didn't know you could paste stuff from the clipboard into FG. But what I would really like, is to have cut/paste editing functionality WITHIN FG itself, rather than having to hack XML to make it work.

    I don't know about you, but I prefer to stay out of the XML as much as possible. I can do it, but I don't like it.
    a.k.a. The Watcher

    Played: The Realm, DAoC. Playing: DDO, Runescape. Looking to: PotBS.

    Wanting to run a D&D 3.5 FG Campaign (in design).

  6. #6
    Cypher's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Daeghrefn
    I didn't know you could paste stuff from the clipboard into FG. But what I would really like, is to have cut/paste editing functionality WITHIN FG itself, rather than having to hack XML to make it work.

    I don't know about you, but I prefer to stay out of the XML as much as possible. I can do it, but I don't like it.
    You can.

    Use Ctrl+C to copy, and Ctrl+V to paste.

    The only place I've found you can't select text is in the fields found on the monster sheet (the description portion you can cut/paste).

  7. #7
    Improved copy-paste support is in the upcoming patch.
    Ville Leino
    Fantasy Grounds
    Funny, no response!

  8. #8
    <cracks whip for 1.06>

    Nothing to see here.... Now back to work!


    Ultimate Licence holder

    I've had FG for so LONG I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT!

    But I'm learning!

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I tell yah, with 1.06 the streets will be paved with gold!


  10. #10
    Yes , tee hee hee , I can't wait till 1.06 then cause then allot of good adventures can be made . hallalluyah .
    Licking the mark above the lips and the swallowing stops my heartburn .

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