Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #1

    Problem with images after formatting

    Hello everyone

    Recently i had to format the computer and changed from windows 7 to windows 10, i did a backup, and replaced all the files after the new installation, but now i cant see in FG the images i put on the folder of the images tab, and also i have all the 3 basic 5th edition DD books, but only the Monster manual i dont have access to the images of the monsters and the cover of the book is blank, but only happens with Monsters Manual, anyone can give me a help? I have the full License, and honestly dont understand whats going on.

    Thank you

    P.S. Sorry for my english

  2. #2
    Make sure you run an update on the new machine with the correct FG login information in the FG Settings. Just copying over the information will not set up your purchases correctly.


  3. #3
    Not working =( already did that and still the same =(

  4. #4
    Try right clicking and reverting changes on the MM?

  5. #5
    Right cliking where? And whats an MM?

    Thank you and sorry for my english

  6. #6
    Myrdin Potter's Avatar
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    East Bay, SF
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    Any images you copied in the past were on your hard drive. If you did not back the images up so you can recooy them, then they are gone.

    Otherwise, all you need to do is copy the campaign folders back to the Fantasy Grounds directory. You can find that by clicking the file folder icon on the first page you see when FG starts and loads.
    Ultimate License. Running Hyperborea and CoC. Asks lots of questions. PureVPN is a tested solution to run games when traveling.

  7. #7
    Are you seeing the issue in a new campaign as well? It sounds like perhaps all the information was not copied over.

    To revert a module back to original state within a campaign as mentioned by Nylanfs, you can go to Library, then Modules, right click on each module, and select the Revert menu option.


  8. #8
    Not working ��

    Tried the revert on the monster manual and nothing, still can see the images and the book cover, and the modules i created they are all fine, but when doing new ones, i add images to the folder and nothing, in the fg they are empty �� its weird because i backed up everyrhing at the same time by the folder access in the first screen of fg.

    Thanks for the help

  9. #9
    I mean cant see the images of the book cover and the images of the book.

  10. #10

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