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  1. #1

    Condition/effects IF/IFT query

    So, I'm not to familiar with how IF/IFT condition/effects work but the first run in with it has been trying to figure out a way for a ranger type with a mark ability to use it.

    The first thought was the standard "IFT: marked;DMG: 1d6" and then just put a "marked" string in effect on the target marked. Didn't work. So I poked around the forums and apparently the condition has to exist as one of the types listed in the ruleset (in this case I was testing 5E) so ... I tweaked the above to use "intoxicated" and put intoxicated on the target and it worked as intended.

    So I thought to myself, quick extension to just adjust and add the conditions to have a "marked" and I'm done. I did that but I wanted to ask before I left it at that... is there another (better) way to do what I'm trying?
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  2. #2
    Try adding a "Marked" condition to the target, and keeping a "IFT: CUSTOM(Marked); DMG: 1d6" effect on the ranger.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Try adding a "Marked" condition to the target, and keeping a "IFT: CUSTOM(Marked); DMG: 1d6" effect on the ranger.

    That is what I was looking for. I suspected there had to be a better way to do this Thanks once again!
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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Try adding a "Marked" condition to the target, and keeping a "IFT: CUSTOM(Marked); DMG: 1d6" effect on the ranger.

    Wait, what? You can do that! Holy $%*&^! I had no idea you could do this..... So many implications. Thanks for teaching me something else about FG, Moon Wizard! Just tried this using a different effect and works great.
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  5. #5
    You can also stack effects so, "IFT: CUSTOM(Marked); DMG: 1d6; GRANTADVATK" is possible as well.

    So in the case of Hunters Mark you do something like this:

    Create an effect and set it to target name it Hunters Mark and put in the Effects Section, "Hunter's Mark"

    Then create a passive effect with an endless duration and set it to targeting self. Then put the "Hunter's Mark Checker; IFT: CUSTOM(Hunter's Mark); DMG: 1d6".

    DM can set the effects on a player to invisible from the combat tracker so it doesn't clutter the screen if stuff gets too long.
    Last edited by ArcebU; October 5th, 2017 at 20:37.

  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Hunter's mark is a targeted effect. Create an effect DMG: 1d6, set the target to self. To apply it hold shift and click the effect while you have an enemy targeted or hold shift while dragging the effect onto it.

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  7. #7
    Zacchaeus's solution is another way to do it.

    I prefer the way above with the conditional personally, but it can be done either way.


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Zacchaeus's solution is another way to do it.

    I prefer the way above with the conditional personally, but it can be done either way.


    This is how I implemented your method. The IFT goes on the Player's ranger, the mark effect goes on the enemy.

    I dunno if the (C) works but I put it there.
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  9. #9
    That should work. The pattern match for whether an effect is a concentration effect is "%([cC]%)".


  10. #10
    What rulesets does CUSTOM() work with?

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