Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Two questions: # control & pre-filling text

    Hello again! I am very close to completing my character sheet, but I ran into a couple of questions that I couldn't quite figure out by looking through examples. I am new to xml, but I have some limited HTML experience.

    First question regards numbercontrol. I was finishing up my character sheet last night, and tried to implement it as written below

    <numbercontrol name="WS">
    	<bounds rect="144,682,34,23" />
    	<nodrag />
    	<nodrop />
    	<noreset />
    	<description text="WeaponSkill" />
    	<limits minimum="01" maximum="99" />
    	<tabtarget next="BS" prev="cur_exp" />
    When I open the sheet, the area is already pre-filled with numbers, and when I click on the area to change the numbers, the program crashes.

    What on earth am I missing?

    Second question: Is it possible (and if so, how) to grab a string (from stringcontrol for example) and have that info pre-fill a space?

    Here's an example of what I am trying to do: I fill in an NPC name ("npc_name") on their main sheet, and then when I open their mini sheet, I want a designated section of that mini-sheet to display that NPCs name.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  2. #2
    Okay - belay my last question; after a bit more poking I figured it out. It just wasn't evident.

    Still running into problems with the numbercontrol stuff... if someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it!


  3. #3
    The snippet of XML code looks correct (I even went as far as copying it into a ruleset and trying it.) I think we need alittle more information.

    Can we see the XML for the rest of the sheet?

    Did you just add this number control and tried testing it with an existing character?

    Did the number control use to be a string control that you changed to a number control and tried testing with an existing character (I did this on my self and it did cause FG to crash.)

  4. #4
    Did the number control use to be a string control that you changed to a number control and tried testing with an existing character (I did this on my self and it did cause FG to crash.)
    That appears to have been it...

    Thanks a million! I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the deal was - but that is it! Thanks!

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