1. #1

    LFG - D&D 5e PST (GMT-8)


    I am looking for a group using FG to play D&D 5e published adventures (Storm King, Strahd, etc). Weekdays (sans Tuesday) preferable, starting sometime after 6pm PST, but this is negotiable.

    I have no prior play time with any published adventure and am hoping to find a group that will be playing one for the first time as well.

    Please let me know if you would like to start a trial basis to make sure I will fit in your player culture. (I totally understand how not all players mesh well.)


  2. #2
    Hi Qwizitz, I have a couples players looking to set up a game at 9-10pm PST, weekdays (day TBD). It's a paid game, and they will be playing the just-released Tomb of Annihilation. Do let me know if you have any interest in joining it.

  3. #3
    I appreciate the response, Dennis, but I don't think i can bring myself to give money to people on the internet for services without any guarantees.

  4. #4
    No problem. If you're actually interested though, I can invite you to my Discord server. I have 30+ happy players there which you can meet. Best guarantee I can provide.

  5. #5
    Hey, I'm down to play any day after 6pm pst. I have experience with 5e and fg, and would be happy to play through any campaign. I can play whatever the party needs, but I prefer casters, and warlock/cleric are my favorites.

  6. #6
    @Tylindell - Not sure if you're addressing Qwizitz, me, or both

  7. #7
    The person who started this thread

  8. #8
    Qwizitz and Tylindell28- I'll throw my hat in the ring to join the group as well. I'm familiar with 5e and Pathfinder but new to FG. I'm in PST time zone and prefer to play Mon or Wednesday evenings.

  9. #9
    Same here I'm pst time as well looking for a group. Norcal reached out to me as well maybe we can stick together here if we find a good dm that will have us. I'll add you on my friends need more people who are pst on there.

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