5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Role Playing Blog

    I decided to start a story blog, about one of the characters I play in group on Fantasy Grounds. The story will revolve around the five players and our characters actions as we go through a long term campaign. We are barely getting started so right now it's just backstory and a little bit about getting my character to meet the others. I thought if anyone would be interested in reading it, it would be this group. Enjoy!


  2. #2
    TMO's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Portland, Oregon (USA)
    Very cool. I love the pencil sketches that are included!

  3. #3
    Thanks! Pretty out of practice with my art work but trying to pull it together lol.

  4. #4
    This looks really cool.

    Are the entries out of order though? I see the Welcome on Aug 6 and then the next one is Aug 12.

    I would love to keep this to read through over the time of your adventures but want to ensure I do not miss any entries since I know I am not consistent on how fast I will keep up (still trying to catch up on Critical Role and only on about episode 40 there).

    Great stuff!

  5. #5
    For some reason, and I am new to blogs, they populate newest to oldest. I guess once someone is caught up on reading they will always just go to the front page and the newest information is right there. I had "pinned" the welcome page to the front just to let people know what's going on. So I unpinned, it. Now everything will be in order from newest to oldest. There are only about 5 or 6 posts right now. Thanks for looking at them, Critical Role, is AMAZING, love it!

    Have a great day.

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