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  1. #1
    Vishera's Avatar
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    Cool Token Death Indicator 2.0 - BLOOD SPLATS!

    I took Celestian's extension and modified it (with his permission) so that it will randomly produce a blood splat image over any creature's token the dies. It will choose randomly from 10 different images.
    If the PC takes equal wounds too their HP, it will produce a "splat" on them as well. If they are healed the splat will remove itself.

    Feel free to change the images to anything you like.
    I haven't tested this on any other rulesets but 5e, but if you find it works on any other Core version, let me know.

    Attachment 19496

    Original extension by Celestian can be found HERE

  2. #2
    I tried it on 4e, but I know little to nothing about how things work. I added in a 4e tag so it'd run for it, but kept getting an error. I don't know Lua, and dont have time to learn whilst also doing my Bachelors so looks like this'll stay on 5e for me. Thanks heaps for making it though, and thanks to Celestian for the base work done!

  3. #3
    Vishera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spite View Post
    I tried it on 4e, but I know little to nothing about how things work. I added in a 4e tag so it'd run for it, but kept getting an error. I don't know Lua, and dont have time to learn whilst also doing my Bachelors so looks like this'll stay on 5e for me. Thanks heaps for making it though, and thanks to Celestian for the base work done!
    It replaces the manager_token2.lua which is only a 5e thing. 4e is the edition we don't speak of anyway

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Vishera View Post
    I took Celestian's extension and modified it (with his permission)...
    Any other modifications beyond the images? Our group experienced consistency issues with the original mod (i.e. it didn't always work, and/or sometimes stopped working for some players in the middle of a session, etc.)

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Full Bleed View Post
    Any other modifications beyond the images? Our group experienced consistency issues with the original mod (i.e. it didn't always work, and/or sometimes stopped working for some players in the middle of a session, etc.)
    I think this might be some memory issue btw. I've had it crop up but there was no way I could consistently reproduce it. It always worked on the DM side but PC side would rarely just not display the image on the token. The player would relog and it would show up.

    Not sure It's something that can be fixed on this side anyway.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    I think this might be some memory issue btw. I've had it crop up but there was no way I could consistently reproduce it. It always worked on the DM side but PC side would rarely just not display the image on the token. The player would relog and it would show up.

    Not sure It's something that can be fixed on this side anyway.
    You may be right about it being a memory issue... but I've got a 16gb system so I'm not sure how I could possibly address it on my side. When last we used this two players had it stop functioning for them (I was one of them)... I re-logged and it still didn't work, so we just ended up removing the extension. While it worked it was a really nice add to the game (it's just not all that satisfying to see nothing happen when you kill something.)
    Last edited by Full Bleed; June 23rd, 2017 at 05:13.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Full Bleed View Post
    You may be right about it being a memory issue... but I've got a 16gb system so I'm not sure how I could possibly address it on my side. When last we used this two players had it stop functioning for them (I was one of them)... I re-logged and it still didn't work, so we just ended up removing the extension. While it worked it was a really nice add to the game (it's just not all that satisfying to see nothing happen when you kill something.)
    Regardless of your RAM status FG is 32bit and can only use 3.2 gigs of RAM
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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Wookiee420 View Post
    Regardless of your RAM status FG is 32bit and can only use 3.2 gigs of RAM
    This. FG is also exTREEMLY picky about map dimensions.

    FGU will get around the memory/map issues so I hear!
    Last edited by celestian; June 23rd, 2017 at 07:45.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Vishera View Post
    It replaces the manager_token2.lua which is only a 5e thing. 4e is the edition we don't speak of anyway
    Ah that'd explain the error then. Oh well

    And like Voldemort, the fear of saying its name is a fear borne of the unknown.

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