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  1. #1

    Interest Check - One-Shot Savage Rifts

    Hey all!

    I'll be running a Savage Rifts One-Shot (the Garnet Town Gambit) this evening, 6/16/17 at 9 PM EDT (GMT -4). Looking for a 2-4 more players. Pregens provided, or with group consensus characters can be generated with the understanding that the game will likely be a "two-shot" at that time.

    It'll be run via game channel on the Fantasy Ground Official Discord Server. Chime in here if you're interested! I'll post connection information when we get enough folks that can make it.


    It is August, 109 P.A. Tolkeen has fallen to the Coalition. In the aftermath of the war, a new faction emerges in what used to be Northern Arkansas..the Tomorrow Legion. A force for good in this war-torn land, the Tomorrow Legion seeks to make the world a better place for humans and D-Bees alike.

    You are members of the Tomorrow Legion, on patrol in what was once Southern Missouri. What starts as a brief encounter soon turns into a fight to save a Town. What will your heroes do?
    Ultimate Edition license holder - No License Needed to Play My Games (Need Demo Version of FG Downloaded)

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EDT) United States; GMT -4 hours

    Game in Progress: AD&D 2e - Against the Zhentarim

  2. #2
    I am a go for one-shot or more.

  3. #3
    Me too me too

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by foomish View Post
    me too me too
    i am in please!!!!

  5. #5
    Certainly...need one more for the whole one-shot, but even if there isn't enough interest I can run a battle or two to demonstrate Savage Worlds (and Savage Rifts) on FG.
    Ultimate Edition license holder - No License Needed to Play My Games (Need Demo Version of FG Downloaded)

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EDT) United States; GMT -4 hours

    Game in Progress: AD&D 2e - Against the Zhentarim

  6. #6
    lol put me down Gun. i'll try out a different 'character'.

  7. #7
    Would love to play again, but alas, I will still be at work. Please keep us posted as to when you are going to try another one (one shot, or campaign)

  8. #8
    OK. We've got enough to run, provided all show up. Alias is vibrant ninja quiet ninja. Pregens are available. See everyone at 9 pm Eastern!
    Ultimate Edition license holder - No License Needed to Play My Games (Need Demo Version of FG Downloaded)

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EDT) United States; GMT -4 hours

    Game in Progress: AD&D 2e - Against the Zhentarim

  9. #9
    I am fairly new to Discord - how does one get invited or join the FG Discord Server?

  10. #10
    ChadHale's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    a 4.6 brightness star in the hyadies cluster, an M class planet with a 1.1 gravity.
    If there is a slot, Please let me know. I would like to play too.

    Attachment 19421
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    Attachment 19423

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