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Thread: A few requests

  1. #1

    A few requests

    i havent purchased Fantasy Grounds yet (im still trying to convince the rest of my group that it's worth the money!)

    but i have a few requests on the software:
    1: OOC is in a bad spot. it would be preferable if there were Chat Tabs that could be created. One Tab for OOC talk (so its not inbetween lines of game talk and distract players) and another tab for prehapse a private GM talk (so OOC would be for people just talking like in a chatroom. and the GM channel would be for game relevant questions)

    2: Im still working through the Demo. and so i havent seen everything yet. but an ability to move the starting position of the dice would be nice as well as the chat window and the modifer pannel. in full screen mode they just kinda float there and i would love to customize my DM screen.

    3: The pricing is weird. it says you get a 60% discount. but infact it only goes to about 50% for the Lite version. i tested this by adding 10 lite items to the cart and it comes to $103.74 ($10.37 per lite) so is it an error in math or false advertising? the price isint a problem though as $10 a copy is comparatively good to other things i spend $10 on.

    4: Some times we just have people listening to our games (we currently use iRC to do D&D) if we moved to this they would also have to pay the full price.. just to listen to the story. would it be possible to make the demo version allowed to connect to player games But not talk or participate, just spectate?
    Last edited by Thorlord; January 19th, 2006 at 03:30.

  2. #2
    the big one is #1. i really need that. mainly because my group is a bunch of jokers, and well, they talk alot about random stuff.

    i dont want one guy telling a joke about Giraffes in green text while im being serious with an NPC.

    when you switch channels, you go from one mood to another. and thankfuly i can keep a bit of seriousness in my game if gamers are not reading dirty jokes while playing the game. (it would get distracting fast)

    my requirement may be obtuse a little bit:
    what i mean is. i want a little tab on the Top Left of the chat bar that when pressed will change the text on the chat window to that of something where people can type into which would be consitered "OOC" and if that buttion pressed again would return the chat window back to the gamechat. where gamers could be serious.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I know what you are talking about...

    I think the best solution, if you can, is to use a free voice chat 3rd party program to improve comms in FG. You can either use it for ALL talking while you play or just use it for OOC stuff and keep all in game talking in the chat window.

    We started with the 2nd option but soon switched to just using voice for all of it. Typing is just too slow.


  4. #4
    not all of us have mic's but that would be an option.
    i also dont want to have them install too many programs as they are technotards.

  5. #5
    Heh, believe me - if you can set up a teamspeak server, and get them to spring for $20 dollar mic/headphones, it'll pay for itself in no time.

    You don't want to be troubleshooting with only text if you're dealing with the technically challenged. (chances are they're not the greatest typers too...)

  6. #6
    I must say that voice chat is really valuable for discussing the finer points of rules. Our game sessions would be really slow if I had to stop and type out all the rulings for everything, instead I just say "Sure, you can soak your leather armor in oil and then run into the swarm of insects, but it is going to sting a bit when the ranger shoots the flaming arrow at you."

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by festivus
    I must say that voice chat is really valuable for discussing the finer points of rules. Our game sessions would be really slow if I had to stop and type out all the rulings for everything, instead I just say "Sure, you can soak your leather armor in oil and then run into the swarm of insects, but it is going to sting a bit when the ranger shoots the flaming arrow at you."

    Yes, Voice speeds up the game immensely.

    If you don't want to setup a server try Skype or even Yahoo Chat. Both work fine.


  8. #8
    can skype preform group chat?

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Yes. I think up to 5 connections is free but you have to pay for more then that.

    We tried it once and, for us, it worked better then TeamSpeak. Less delay between when I would say something and they hear it.


  10. #10
    Doswelk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Surrey, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by richvalle

    Yes, Voice speeds up the game immensely.

    If you don't want to setup a server try Skype or even Yahoo Chat. Both work fine.

    We use Gizmo Project rather than skype, we found the quality of the sound is better. The only fun we had was working out how to do conference calls.

    Not that hard you all have to dial the same "number" and that's it!

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