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Thread: NPC Engineer

  1. #1

    NPC Engineer

    NPC Engineer
    A Windows application designed to simplify the process of getting NPCs (monsters!) into Fantasy Grounds.
    Its primary claim to usefulness is that will take an entire statblock from a variety of sources and parse them into modules. It can also output them in a format that Par5e or FG5EParser can parse.
    You can also build NPCs from scratch.

    The latest build can be found in a new thread. This is still basically a beta release - please work on backup files! [COLOR=#b22222]

    NPC Engineer 1 - Main Screen.jpg

    Phase 2 goals:
    • Parse the NPC and sneak it in to a pre-existing *.mod file
    • Partial import from other sources such as 1E, 2E, 3E, Pathfinder (and other suitable sources)
    • Templates

    If you find something that breaks NPC Engineer, please send me a text file of the offending document so that I can track down the issue. ([email protected])
    Feature requests are also welcome at the same address.

    IMPORTANT: If you are using NPC Engineer to import from a Homebrew source, the source will not have been subject to the same rigorous shredding official monsters get. This means that errors in formatting, capitalisation, spelling and so on can make it difficult for NPC Engineer. If your import doesn't work, check it carefully for missing full stops, colons where full stops should be, and the like.

    Last edited by Maasq; October 23rd, 2017 at 21:35. Reason: Actions added
    Engineer Suite
    Import, build or edit NPCs/spells/equipment and then parse them directly into a Fantasy Grounds module.

    Download the latest version from the website.
    Support me by becoming a patron on Patreon.

    Chat directly about issues or suggest features on the
    Discord channel.
    Post issues on the issue tracker on Github.

  2. #2
    How about statblock outputs from PCgen and Herolab?

  3. #3
    I've never used either. I'll add them to my list. Are they both for NPCs/creatures?
    I thought Hero Lab was for Pcs (though I have had no contact with it and don't know why I think that!)
    Engineer Suite
    Import, build or edit NPCs/spells/equipment and then parse them directly into a Fantasy Grounds module.

    Download the latest version from the website.
    Support me by becoming a patron on Patreon.

    Chat directly about issues or suggest features on the
    Discord channel.
    Post issues on the issue tracker on Github.

  4. #4
    DM's use both of them for making both, like taking a standard Monster and making tweaks to fit a location or environment.

  5. #5
    OK, downloading PCGen just now and I'll look at its output.
    HeroLab doesn't do 5E in its demo version - could you send me the text output of a couple of NPCs? One simple one, like a goblin, and one with a few different entries, like a gibbering mouther? Not those precise ones, but something along those lines.


    Engineer Suite
    Import, build or edit NPCs/spells/equipment and then parse them directly into a Fantasy Grounds module.

    Download the latest version from the website.
    Support me by becoming a patron on Patreon.

    Chat directly about issues or suggest features on the
    Discord channel.
    Post issues on the issue tracker on Github.

  6. #6
    Bah, double post.....

    Engineer Suite
    Import, build or edit NPCs/spells/equipment and then parse them directly into a Fantasy Grounds module.

    Download the latest version from the website.
    Support me by becoming a patron on Patreon.

    Chat directly about issues or suggest features on the
    Discord channel.
    Post issues on the issue tracker on Github.

  7. #7

    Maybe I just can't figure out PCGen, but I failed completely to find a way to enter a monster statblock. When I tried to output a statblock as text, it lacked information that would make it recognisable as a statblock.

    I'll remove both PCGen and HeroLab from my work list at the moment as it would seem as if their output doesn't match up to what I am trying to do with this project.

    If I am wrong, please send me the text output from each for a simple monster and a more complex one with damage immunities etc.


    Engineer Suite
    Import, build or edit NPCs/spells/equipment and then parse them directly into a Fantasy Grounds module.

    Download the latest version from the website.
    Support me by becoming a patron on Patreon.

    Chat directly about issues or suggest features on the
    Discord channel.
    Post issues on the issue tracker on Github.

  8. #8
    Hmm, seem's like the OS monkey didn't make a 5e statblock.

  9. #9
    So the first version of AHK Creature Creator is available in the first post of this thread. Have fun, and be gentle. This is my first ever piece of code released to the public (and the first written in over 20 years!)

    Engineer Suite
    Import, build or edit NPCs/spells/equipment and then parse them directly into a Fantasy Grounds module.

    Download the latest version from the website.
    Support me by becoming a patron on Patreon.

    Chat directly about issues or suggest features on the
    Discord channel.
    Post issues on the issue tracker on Github.

  10. #10
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Interesting, well done.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

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