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  1. #1

    Interest Check: Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords weekly Friday game

    Hey folks! I'm considering giving Pathfinder a go agian. I haven't played 3.5/PF in a LONG time, but I feel like it will come back pretty quick.

    I am thinking about buying the new "official" Pathfinder stuff at the Smite works Store, but I want to see if there is anyone out there that wants to play before I spend the money.

    I want to play Rise of the Runelords, since they have the full adventure path for FG. I want to spend my time focusing on getting back into playing PF rather than prepping stuff in FG.

    Right now, I'm thinking 5 - 10 PM Mountain Daylight Time (GMT -6) as a tentative time. I am off usually on Fridays, so I'm flexible with the start time. I don't want to run too late in the evening though since I have work the next morning.

    I have an ultimate FG license, so all you would need is the Demo.

    That's all the specifics I have for right now/

    Let me know if you are interested and what times you can play. Thanks!

  2. #2
    I would be interested in that time frame. I am new to FG and Pathfinder returning to p&p rp after some 30 years so I am familiar with if not a rusty with 3.5e

  3. #3
    I've been looking for a friday game so I would definitely be interested. I'm experienced with FG and pathfinder.

  4. #4
    Cool, keep'em coming folks!

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Definitely interested... PST time zone here.

  7. #7
    OK, so it looks like there will be some interest! Great!!!

    I've gone ahead and purchased the new official Pathfinder stuff for FG, so now I'm going to get things set up.

    Right now the TENTATIVE start date is going to be June 9th. I am going to make an official Looking for Group thread once the game is ready to start, so keep an eye on the forums! More to come...

  8. #8
    Definitely interested if there's room available

  9. #9
    I would also be interested, I have experience with 3.5 but none with FG but have the full license.
    Cannon Fodder always wins...

  10. #10
    Very interested let me know if you have room.

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