1. #1

    Brand new player - looking for a game

    Hi all,

    I am an avid MMORPG player who would like to venture into the realm of tabletop RPGs. I have been lurking the forums for the last couple days and notice there are a few threads advertising games for new players, however they were all D&D (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I'm not hung up on just D&D). Although I'm avid in MMORPG, the only exposure I've had to Tabletop games is reading an old D&D rulebook back in the 80s. I've always wanted to get into it, but there isn't a lot of RPG opportunities around me.

    What I can bring to the table :

    I will be purchasing a license when I find a game. Standard or Ultimate is both feasible if possible. Since I have little to no experience I doubt I'll be GM/DM anytime soon, so standard would be preferrable, but If I need Ultimate i'll pony up the money.

    I'm free evenings, and mostly weekends. I have flexibility of schedule.

    I'm not hung up on a certain system. If you want me to learn pathfinder, I'll learn pathfinder etc.

    I'm not opposed to helping a GM/DM absorb some of the costs for modules/packs for a game.

    Long term campaigns or one shots. I'll do both.

    I'll do homework reading up on things that I need to read up on.

    The only thing I ask is a little patience while I pick up on things. It looks like there are some cool people in this community and it seems pretty darn helpful. I usually pick stuff up rather fast.

    If there are any GM/DMs out there who feels like they can work with me please message me. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  2. #2

    Just want to welcome you to Fantasy Grounds! There are a lot of games that show up on here, some needing players. I wish you luck in finding a game...take a look at FG Con if you haven't. It's next weekend and there are open slots on some games, including PF, D&D 5E, and Savage Worlds there. Address for the con is

    Ultimate Edition license holder - No License Needed to Play My Games (Need Demo Version of FG Downloaded)

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EDT) United States; GMT -4 hours

    Game in Progress: AD&D 2e - Against the Zhentarim

  3. #3
    I'm currently recruiting for a Wednesday night EST (715PM) Hunter the Vigil game, if you're interested. I have an Ultimate license already, so you wouldn't need to buy anything.

  4. #4
    I'd be interested if it was 30 minutes to an hour later. I don't get off work until 7:30 your time

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JackalAion View Post
    I'd be interested if it was 30 minutes to an hour later. I don't get off work until 7:30 your time
    Might be doable. I haven't hammered an exact time out yet because I'm having a very hard time getting players for it. Most of my regular players are Savage Worlds fans, and not interested in White Wolf or Hunter specifically. 8PM EST is probably as late as I'd be willing to go.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Hammer View Post
    Might be doable. I haven't hammered an exact time out yet because I'm having a very hard time getting players for it. Most of my regular players are Savage Worlds fans, and not interested in White Wolf or Hunter specifically. 8PM EST is probably as late as I'd be willing to go.
    I think I miss understood what was being played. I'm looking for 5e or pathfinder. Mostly pathfinder

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by JackalAion View Post
    I think I miss understood what was being played. I'm looking for 5e or pathfinder. Mostly pathfinder
    Pff, why go into holes looking for monsters in generic fantasy games when in modern horror, the monsters come to you?

  8. #8
    Welcome, Kharnaas. I'm an avid RPGer into all sorts of games and not just the current version of D&D, so I can assure you that there are a lot of different games being played thru Fantasy Grounds.

    First, yes, it is possible to play almost any game on FG; 1) there are many different community rulesets available for different games and 2) any game can be played thru use of the MoreCore ruleset, which is a well supported generic community ruleset.

    Second, while it is true that there are a couple huge gorillas in the room in the likes of D&D 5e and Pathfinder, with patience and proactive vigilance, you should find the opportunity to try out many different games in many different genres from many different ages of RPG history. A quick perusal of the FG-Con schedule should assure you of that.
    Ultimate License Holder GM

    Games currently Playing: AD&D, DCC RPG and D&D 5e

    Finished Projects: AD&D Ruleset
    New School NPC Maker 5E
    New School NPC Maker PFRPG - 3.5E
    Old School NPC Maker

    Current Projects:

    1) Adventure Module.
    2) Maintaining and improving released projects.
    3) C.O.O.L. Beasts
    4) Basic Fantasy Ruleset
    5) Metamorphosis Alpha Ruleset

  9. #9
    damned's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Blog Entries
    There are a stack of Pathfinder Society games at FG Con - not only will you get game but you will meet players and GMs that may lead to other gaming opportunities.

  10. #10
    I would also suggest getting involved as a player during the FG Con. No need to pay for anything yet, just come along and choose a pregenerated character and away you go.

    All the information can be found here:

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