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View Poll Results: Who do you play Fantasy Grounds with?

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  • Online Contacts I did not know before

    13 35.14%
  • Online Contacts I knew before the FG days

    1 2.70%
  • Group of RL friends

    11 29.73%
  • Some RL friends, some online contacts

    7 18.92%
  • I have a hard time finding a group

    5 13.51%
Page 1 of 3 123 Last
  1. #1

    Who do you play with?

    Who do you play Fantasy Grounds with?
    Fantasy Adventures, Maps & Electronic Modules

  2. #2
    I haven't had time to play much yet, but the games I have run have been with people I've met here and and the AD site.
    Murder at Avedon Hill - Official site for novel being released February, 2007 (podcast release also begins February, 2007)
    Four Ugly Monsters - Honorary Monster, ret.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Some all too short games with gurney and, now, my RL friends.

  4. #4
    Didn't know anyone before I started RTTTOEE. Since then, there has been a total of 53 people interested in the campaign, with a core group of 6-7 players.

    Hats off to those guys!


    Ultimate Licence holder

    I've had FG for so LONG I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT!

    But I'm learning!

  5. #5
    Real life friends here.

  6. #6
    Mostly people I know from the Dundjinni site, but lately more people from the AD site too ...

  7. #7
    It's absolutely ridiculous how hard it is to find a group on here. Almost NOBODY is interested in playing in my adventures. At most two people. And I've put so much work into building it, it feels like the $40 for this application has gone down the toilet. Maps, history, NPCs... All of it shelved.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Alkaven
    It's absolutely ridiculous how hard it is to find a group on here. Almost NOBODY is interested in playing in my adventures. At most two people. And I've put so much work into building it, it feels like the $40 for this application has gone down the toilet. Maps, history, NPCs... All of it shelved.
    Try to sign up here:


    I am sure you will find a group at AD and a friendly bunch of people
    Fantasy Adventures, Maps & Electronic Modules

  9. #9
    I have had no trouble at all, started with two people I knew previously, and since then found 2 more player from the forums here and just had another one ask to join for the next game (a friend of one forum guys), all that is over a period of about 6 weeks I think.
    • snikle •
    . .lapsus calumni. .

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ilwan

    Try to sign up here:


    I am sure you will find a group at AD and a friendly bunch of people
    I did a couple weeks ago. Still nothing. I'm not even getting feedback on why. If you go there now, you can still see my adventure post there rotting in the game locator forum.

    All I can guess is that it's a time-zone issue or something. Like this is absolutely horrid. There are just simply not enough players around.

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