Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Pre-Order

Thread: Request

  1. #1


    Just a quick request that might be worth considering in future patches:

    My group use TeamSpeak when playing a FG session; and thus the Chat windows is rarely used. Being able to resize this would be great - we mainly use it for dice rolling, so if you could have the oprion to roll dice anywhere and have the result show up in a reduced version of the chat window that would leave more room for character sheets, maps etc..
    Also Multiple Monitor support would be really great - but I imagine that would be low on the list as not many people are running dual monitors (or more).

    Question: Is it possible to roll different die types simultaniously??


  2. #2

    Re: Request

    Quote Originally Posted by M.A.T.T.

    Question: Is it possible to roll different die types simultaniously??

    I know someone suggested a dice cup that you could drop multiple dice into to roll at once. They said they liked the idea and I am assuming its on the list but not sure of the priority. I also wish for more sizing options. I found that just upping my resolution to like 1600x1200 let me fit a lot more on the screen.

  3. #3
    Sounds like a good idea for the dice cup!!

    I am running a pretty high res too!
    Multiple Monitors would be great for the DM though!!


  4. #4
    Dual monitors is already supported. Please see this post:

  5. #5


    I would like a few extra blank books, Like journals, to keep track of information & possible quest ideas. A nice touch, would be coulour coding & naming them? They can be the same deal as the other books, just plainer?

    Creature & Character token packs, flashy mapping, scroll, paper packs.
    All that stuff you keep info.
    See you in the cavers or on the Highway

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Currently, the chat window has to stay the same size so all the dice rolling can stay in synch on all the pc's.


  7. #7
    Both, resizable chat window and dice cup, are being looked at.
    Ville Leino
    Fantasy Grounds
    Funny, no response!

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