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  1. #1

    Fog of war extension demo video

    In my spare time over the past week or so I've been tinkering with a fog of war extension for FG. Here is a demo/how-to video I posted for those who may be interested:

    I have a few more kinks to work out but I plan to post the extension here when it's ready.

  2. #2
    Nice extension. Do you consider race specific view distances, irregular rooms or limited obstructed view due to pillars or height difference as well ?

  3. #3
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Looks very cool - nice work!

    I notice that you've added one-click movement to the tokens. Does this effect/override the normal drag/drop movement and GM movement approval if tokens are locked?
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Targas View Post
    Nice extension. Do you consider race specific view distances, irregular rooms or limited obstructed view due to pillars or height difference as well ?
    It is still in very early stages and my first goal was to automate the built in masking feature. Being that I play D&D I had already planned to support darkvision. The next feature I will add is a light source editor (similar to the object editor seen in the video). Essentially you will be able to place light sources in various locations and any cells in the line of sight of the light source will be lit and everything else dark. Cells will be cross-referenced with the PCs line of sight and displayed according to their trait or lack thereof. For pillars you can just mark an object with the object editor. I have not considered height differences

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    Looks very cool - nice work!

    I notice that you've added one-click movement to the tokens. Does this effect/override the normal drag/drop movement and GM movement approval if tokens are locked?
    Yes, for now, and here is why: there is no hook/notification/feedback from the imagebox for the movement of tokens along the path from point-A to point-B using the built in movement features, so I was not able to show any cells that would be visible while the token was moving. However, I have a path-finding algorithm I wrote for an Android game a while back that I can port over and implement for my own drag/drop and approval mechanisms.
    Another built-in feature I lost that I will need to add is drawing pointers/shapes

  6. #6
    Skellan's Avatar
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    Staffordshire, UK
    Really cool!
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  7. #7
    Impressive. I'm really curious how your extension works now that I had a chance to watch the video.


  8. #8
    Wow.. that's... totally awesome and should immediately be built into the program pretty please.

  9. #9
    Zeus's Avatar
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    Nice extension, moon and I have recently been discussing LoS functionality. I really like the use of the masking functionality and how your extension automates it. Look forward to seeing the extension code.
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    * All fluid by nature and therefore subject to change.

  10. #10
    Amazing thanks for your hard work
    Fantasy Grounds Ultimate

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