1. #1

    I Would Like to find a campaign!

    I just got FG, and would like to find a good campaign to join. If
    Possible, I would like to find something going on during the week,
    Around 6 pm pst would be great!

    Please email me at [email protected]
    ~ When you look into the Darkness, You will see me looking back ~

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    San Francisco Bay Area, USA

    You can look here if you want:


    We're just getting a game rolling on Monday evenings (starting at 6pm Pacific time, I'm pretty sure). We've got four slated and an alt or two, but two of the four haven't responded recently, so there might be room for you!

  3. #3
    I will go there! Mondays would work great for me!
    ~ When you look into the Darkness, You will see me looking back ~

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