Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Pre-Order
  1. #1

    Request: Darwin's world

    A conversion I would love to see would be the Darwin's world setting by RPGObjects - is anyone else interested in seeing that?

    I would possibly be interested in learning XML to get this implemented..


  2. #2

    Re: Request: Darwin's world

    Quote Originally Posted by SiCk_PuPpY
    A conversion I would love to see would be the Darwin's world setting by RPGObjects - is anyone else interested in seeing that?
    The problem I see with getting permission from RPGObjects is that they are the developers of OpenRPG, and anything Chris Davis and company support will probably be in that medium. I'm not saying this is impossible, but Chris might not be willing to support FG because of his own program.

    Probably won't hurt to ask RPGO if they are interested, but you should know that going forward.

  3. #3
    Doswelk's Avatar
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    Surrey, UK

    currently underway....

    I am currenlty converting Darwin's World, for my own group.

    I will only be converting the content listed as OPEN in their books, thus there would be no descriptions (as I have them in the books)

    So far I have completed the character sheet, and I am using the D20 Modern ruleset as my base (I think bagpuss created it).

    As to whether I can post it I am unsure, but that was not my reason for doing it anyway.

  4. #4
    Hello, what's the status on the project?

  5. #5
    Doswelk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Surrey, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by WaTTiK
    Hello, what's the status on the project?
    Long, Long Long dead... Besides it was an FG1 project.
    My players just defeated an army, had a dogfight with aliens, machine-gunned the zombies, stormed the tower, became Legendary and died heroically

    Yours are still on combat round 6

    Get Savage
    Ultimate License Holder.
    First GM to post a game for the original FG Con!

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