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View Poll Results: How does the die rolling in FG work for you

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  • Well... good if you like either 1's or 20's......

    1 4.76%
  • Great... No problem....

    18 85.71%
  • ehhh... Who knows?

    2 9.52%
  • If my character rolls another 1, Me, I'm gonna faint!

    0 0%
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Thread: Dice rolling

  1. #1

    Dice rolling

    Here is a thing we noticed with our group while playing. Either the numbers are low rolling, or crit rolling. What is your experience?

  2. #2
    There is this theory of potential mass embedded in any (set of) dice, which now seems to extend to digital ones too, which is simply great :P . This sounds, however, really weird - it's interesting to see the poll results...

  3. #3

    Heh Heh..

    Looks like the culprit are my players.... Seems like great fun when the climatic moment comes up and, BLAM! They roll a 1! :twisted:

    Seriously though.... the program rocks!

  4. #4
    I have no problem whatsoever with dice rolling. Results are even.

  5. #5

    No problem here either

    Looks like the bad luck just transfers from the table to the desktop. LOL

    Makes for some interesting roleplaying though.

  6. #6
    Is there anyway to slowdown the rate at which the dice dissapear? During character generation atleast they fade away rather quick.

  7. #7
    Roll inside the chat window... even though the dice disappear fast the results of each die are captured in the chat.
    Murder at Avedon Hill - Official site for novel being released February, 2007 (podcast release also begins February, 2007)
    Four Ugly Monsters - Honorary Monster, ret.

  8. #8
    how do you bring up the chatwindow during char gen?

  9. #9

    Rolling dice / cheating

    With the given physics of how dice are rolled one of my friends brought up an interesting argument regarding how the dice are handled...

    * Is it possible to get a die to say...have the 20 face up by rolling it 'gently' then simply dropping it into chat? If you dont roll, you can get the same result over and over...or do the dice reset?

    So basically, my concern is with dropping dice vs rolling dice.


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I think you can just drop the die in the chat window and it will work.

    (shrugs) There is always ways of cheating even when you sit around a table. You could require the players to use the quick slots for most die rolls as that removes the die rolling function and just let them roll the dice for the odd thing that comes up every now and then.


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