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  1. #1

    Text editor improvement ideas


    Just purchased the Full version. Oh my, this is exactly what I've been looking for for just about the last 10 years. 'Nuff said.

    However, I do have a couple of suggestions for the text editor.

    I would love it if undo/redo could be included using CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y. Additionally, I would be a happy man if you would consider allowing CTRL to quickly jump between words in a paragraph and SHIFT would allow you to select a block of text instead of having to use the mouse. Coming from Word, I do feel a little hamstrung by the lack of these options.

    Otherwise, keep up the fantastic work!


  2. #2
    Problem is Ctrl and Shift are used in game for both hotkeys and chat modes, so I think the things you mention are just going to lead to confusion.

  3. #3
    I'd assume he was referring to the Windows Common User Access (CUA) key combos - not just CTRL, SHIFT, or whatnot all by their lonesome. Such key combos may be used to write your posts here and are "common"ly used in many applications.

    Examples of some CUA shortcuts:

    Arrow keys (move one line up/down or one letter left/right)
    SHIFT+Arrow (selects one letter left/right or one line up/down)
    CTRL + Arrow (move cursor one word left/right)
    CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow (select one WORD left/right)
    CTRL+C=Copy (to clipboard - Windows)
    CTRL+X= Cut (ditto)
    CTRL+V=Paste (ditto)
    CTRY+Z = undo
    CTRL+Y = redo

    I think some of these are implemented already for *some* tasks/windows in FG.

  4. #4

    Re: Text editor improvement ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by sunbeam60
    I would be a happy man if you would consider allowing CTRL to quickly jump between words in a paragraph and SHIFT would allow you to select a block of text instead of having to use the mouse. Coming from Word, I do feel a little hamstrung by the lack of these options.
    Yep...don't know if you saw this thread or not.


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