Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Pre-Order
  1. #1

    Online Conventions?

    Has anyone thought of starting an online convention ala an electronic GenCon. DM's write up adventures that can be run with premade PC's.

    Heck has anyone approached Living Greyhawk to push Fantasy Grounds as an online RPGA tool?


    Greg Volz
    Natural Twenty Gaming

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Good ideas!

    I'm not sure there is quite enough people using the software to do a convention yet. I like the idea though as I've not been able to make Gencon since they moved it to Indy.


  3. #3
    I believe there once was a online Con. It was called CyberCon (don't quote me on that.) or something to that effect. They did it two years in a row. It was semi-successful, but not enough to continue it would seem. If I remember right the cost was something like $10 to $15 dollars for the full three day event, but again don't quote me on that.

    Mr. Grimm

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