1. #1

    Same as Bugpuss2

    I am having the exact same issue as bagpuss to the same results of crashes when opening the character generation on the local (the crashes were eliminated with an uninstall and reinstall).

    1. I created a new ruleset folder (Darksun_d20)
    2. Copied the d20 ruleset into the new folder.
    3. I copied the new character sheet xml and images into the appropriate folders (overwriting what was there).
    4. I updated the base.xml to point to the new character sheet.

    I ended up doing the above three times. Once I ended up with an exe error (that I was unable to repeat) that required me to uninstiall and reinstall FG.

    I did note that the character generation was pointing to the new character sheet xml but was using the d20 image files. I went through the directories to see if there was any point where I could point to the new image files but found nothing.

    Now in the base xml I did find this line:

    <includefile source="rulesets\d20\d20_graphics.xml" />

    I thought this file was the one to be used to point to the new image files but there is no such file as d20_graphics.xml in the rulesets folder.

    Hope this helps!

  2. #2
    hmmm this was supposed to be a reply to spliskamatyshak's post on "come get some customization"!


  3. #3
    lol, I am having the exact same problem. New charsheet, old graphics. Longer post under original thread.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bagpuss2
    Have you used the unpack.exe file? This seems to sort things. Make sure you run it twice before you copy anything out of D20. Also note these files where done before the recent patches so might not be compatible with 1.03.

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