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  1. #1

    DOE: Campaign Style Graph Extension

    Note: This extension is no longer available

    Here's a fun little Extension

    Every Role Playing Game (RPG) adventure or campaign (from here on we'll just use the term campaign to refer to both) is fundamentally made up of three basic components: the Physical, the Mental and the Social or, as they are more commonly referred: Combat, Problem Solving and Role-Playing.

    Thus every RPG campaign has a different percentage of these three components. A given combination of these three components is know as the <b><i>Style</i></b> of the campaign.

    As each component of a Campaign Style adds together to give 100% the three percentages can be plotted on a graph known as a Ternary Plot, which looks like a triangle. The distance from each side of the triangle is the amount of each of the three components, respectively, with a particular apex of the triangle representing 100% of a given component.

    Because colours are represented on computers by a set of three numbers (each number specifying a certain amount of red, green and blue, respectively), if we assign one of these primary colours to each of the three components forming a Campaign Style then we can use the three components' percentages to assign a unique colour to each Campaign Style. This can provide a visual guide to the Campaign's Style in addition to the three percentage values.

    This Extension does exactly that: it allows for the graphing of a Campaign Style and the assignment of a corresponding colour to that Style, presenting the whole in a pleasant visual display.

    A screenshot is provided.
    Attachment 10609

    Full details are provided in the accompanying Manual (a Module). The Manual can be opened by Fantasy Ground v3+ using any Ruleset, with or without the Extension being loaded.

    • 1.0.0 - Initial Creation
    • 2.0.0 - Compatibility Update
    • 2.2.0 - Compatibility Update, Fixed issues with Simple Brown & Simple Gray Themes, add support for StarFinder Ruleset (Graphics still required)
    • 2.2.1 - Compatibility Update
    • 3.0.0 - Current - See Post #32

    Manual Version
    • 1.0.0 - Initial Creation
    • 2.0.0 - Compatibility Update
    • 2.2.1 - Current - Compatibility Update

    This Extension works with:
    • CoreRPG Ruleset v3.3.8, CoreRPG Ruleset v3.3.9, and selected Child Rulesets.

    This Extension is dependent on:

    Wiki Page & Full Documentation

    Rulesets By Dulux-Oz

    Other Extensions By Dulux-Oz

    Downloading The Extension
    This Extension and its accompanying Documentation can be downloaded from the links at the bottom of this post.

    Loading The Extension
    This Extension is loaded exactly like all other Fantasy Grounds Extensions - by first copying the .ext file to the Extensions Folder under the Fantasy Grounds Folder and then re-starting Fantasy Grounds. If the Extension is compatible with the currently installed version of a given Ruleset it will be displayed in the Extensions List for that Ruleset and can be loaded by clicking on the Checkbox next to the Extensions name.

    If the Extension has large red 'X' next to its name in the Extension List then the Extension or an Extension that this one is dependent upon is not compatible with the chosen Ruleset. Make sure that you have downloaded and installed the latest copy of this Extension and any Extensions this one is dependent upon.

    When Fantasy Grounds Updates
    After a Fantasy Grounds version update you should verify that all Extensions (not just this one) have been either updated themselves or verified by the Extension author that they work with the new version of Fantasy Grounds. If you have any issues with Fantasy Grounds after an update then it is best to disable all Extensions and then re-enable them one by one until the issue re-appears.

    Helping Out
    If you like this Extension and find it useful, you may like to consider showing your support by making a Donation so that this Software and similar Software can continue to be maintained and developed.

    Donations can be made via PayPal to:

    Thank you

    Previous Downloads:
    • DOECampaign Style Graph Extension: 1,183
    • DOECampaign Style Graph Extension Manual: 991

    Last edited by Zacchaeus; January 26th, 2020 at 18:59.

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  2. #2
    It has just been brought to my attention that this Extension may cause my Locations Database Extension and my Weather Extension to not work properly.

    I apologise for this, and will have the issue resolved ASAP in the new version of the Locations Database Extension and Weather Extension.

    In the meantime, all I can suggest is to (at the moment) not use this Extension with these other two.

    Last edited by dulux-oz; August 3rd, 2015 at 11:16.

    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
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    ICT Professional
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  3. #3
    Hi Everybody,

    Just a quick note to let everyone know that I've released a new version of the Extension and have attached it to the first post in this thread.

    Also note that this Extension is now dependent upon another (you'll have to load both). Full details and a link to the other Extension's Thread are in the first post.


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  4. #4
    Hi Everybody,

    I've just placed an update to the Extension (and the Manual) on the first post. Be aware that you will also need to download the new version of the DOEBase Extension.

    As normal, if you have any issues or suggestions then please let me know.



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  5. #5
    Hi Everybody,

    I've just placed an update to the Extension (and the Manual) on the first post. Be aware that you will also need to download the new version of the DOEBase Extension.

    As normal, if you have any issues or suggestions then please let me know.



    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
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    ICT Professional
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  6. #6

    Exclamation Help needed!!!

    Hi Everyone,

    I've finally gotten a copy of the 5E WotC Theme so I can "rework" all of the DOEs to make them fit the theme better.

    But now I need to get some appropriate graphic - if someone could do me up some 5E WotC-style graphics for this Extension (and any of the other DOEs) I'm sure I and the rest of the Community would be very grateful.

    For that matter, if the graphics of any of the DOEs aren't quite right for your favorite Ruleset then if you'd like to do some up I'll incorporate them into the next release of the relevant DOE.

    Thanks - and spread the word to your RPG GM-friends about the DOEs if they're not using them already.


    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
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    ICT Professional
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  7. #7
    Hi Everyone,

    With the impending release of FGv3.2 I have been working furiously on getting all the DOEs (new and old) working with the new way of doing things. As such, I need to get some new icons for the Sidebar, etc. If anyone with any sort of artistic talent could have a look at the list of what I need (below) and what I need in the other DOE Threads and produce some appropriate graphics for me and for your fellow Community Members I'm sure we'll all appreciate it. If you get in touch I can supply some of the "base" graphics (for those icons that use that "style" of graphic).

    Edit: Updated list (as of 07:30 UTC 29-Jun-16):

    What we need for the DOE Campaign Style Graph Extension is:
    1. A Small Sidebar Button for the 4E Ruleset in both "Up" and "Down" versions
    2. A Small Sidebar Button for the Numenera Ruleset in both "Up" and "Down" versions - this is probably going to be the same as the one for the 4E Ruleset (they have very similar styles)
    3. A Small Sidebar Button for the 5E WotC Theme in both "Up" and "Down" versions

    Last edited by dulux-oz; June 29th, 2016 at 08:36.

    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
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    ICT Professional
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  8. #8
    Hi Everybody,

    I've decided to make the raw files that make up this and the other DOEs available via Bitbucket and Git. So if you're a fellow dev, know how to drive a Git-client (btw I prefer GitKracken) and would like to contribute and/or help beta-test the DOE Updates before they go live then feel free to contribute via Git and Bitbucket.

    Please see the first post in this Thread for details.

    Note that all working versions of the Dulux-Oz Extensions will be released in the first Post of their relevant Thread as per normal.


    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
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    ICT Professional
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  9. #9
    Hi Everybody,

    I've just placed an update to the Extension (and the Manual) on the first post. Be aware that you will also need to download the new version of the DOE: Base Extension.

    As normal, if you have any issues or suggestions then please let me know.



    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
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    ICT Professional
    GMing Since 1982
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  10. #10
    Hi Everybody,

    I've just placed an update to the Extension on the first post. Be aware that you will also need to download the new version of the DOE: Base Extension.

    As normal, if you have any issues or suggestions then please let me know.



    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
    ...And it was Delicious!

    ICT Professional
    GMing Since 1982
    NSW, Australia, UTC +10
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