Blog Comments

  1. damned's Avatar
    I imagine part of the issue with publishing new stats is that they are unlikely to come close to the rosy stats published during lockdowns. Otherwise - very much - yes - these stats help us understand a little bit of the reality of what systems are actually getting played.
  2. Nylanfs's Avatar
    This is one area that Adam could focus on. A better more automated way to have these stats created, I gather that it's more of a manual process right now.
  3. bmos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs
    We need an updated usage blog.
    I was just thinking that recently!
    Graphs please 🥺👉👈
  4. Nylanfs's Avatar
    We need an updated usage blog.
  5. bmos's Avatar
    I'd love to see a new one of these someday.
    It'd also be cool to see something like 'users who hosted or joined a game' so we can get an idea of how many people are playing vs people playing multiple games/sessions.
  6. Whatepok's Avatar
    Congratulations, Joseph:)
  7. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos
    I'm curious; What constitutes a session?
    If I open/close FG repeatedly during extension development, is this a session? Only when users are connected?
    Assuming the same as previous, I believe the session has to last 45 minutes with at least one player connected. But don't remember precisely.
  8. bmos's Avatar
    I'm curious; What constitutes a session?
    If I open/close FG repeatedly during extension development, is this a session? Only when users are connected?
  9. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Awesome news. I always wondered what happened to that community dev and project!

    As with all of SmiteWorks folks, we (the royal 'we' and the community 'we', if I may be so bold!) expect great things from you Steve
  10. Ranzarok's Avatar
    Congrats Joseph! Navy yes, Ex-Army here.
  11. knightsteed's Avatar
    Congrats Joseph!
  12. mghauber's Avatar
    Congrats Joseph! Thanks for your service!
  13. DMReckless's Avatar
    Congratulations, Joseph!
  14. ddavison's Avatar
    Thanks for all the great interest in this position. In total, we received 95 applications before we stopped accepting new apps. Of those, there were dozens of fantastic resumes for applicants who I'm sure would all have made great additions to our team. In the end, we chose Joseph Belcher II (TheSourceHD on the forums and TheGMSource on Discord) to join our team.

    Joseph was active on our Discord channel already and he has been using FG almost daily for the last several years. He spent 14 years in the U.S. Navy and has a strong technical and multimedia graphics background. He will likely be providing some assistance to James Holloway and Jen Page on preparing new content for release on our storefronts as well as doing Customer Support.

    Joseph will be joining the team beginning on July 30, 2020.
  15. ddavison's Avatar
    We are happy to announce that we hired Steve Melton (smelton on the forums) to join the team as our Full-Stack Network Developer. He has a strong background as a Senior Developer and familiarity with most of the technologies we are using. You may recognize him from an early Line of Sight prototype he built for Fantasy Grounds Classic back in 2016.

    You can check that out here:

    Steve will be joining us on August 10, 2020.
  16. Nyth's Avatar
    Congrats, callbacks!

    Looking forward to the new cust rep. <3
  17. ddavison's Avatar
    We are no longer accepting new applications for this position. Thanks for you interest.

    I have contacted everyone for the initial round of call backs we expect to make a decision from this pool of people. We had a great number of applicants and it was very difficult to pick from such an amazing pool of candidates. If we don't go with someone from our initial callback list for some reason, then we will expand it further among the existing applicants.

    Thanks for your interest and for you support.
  18. Patou's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison
    We did not limit it to U.S. Residents only this time, but we had a large number of good applicants from the U.S. and they received preferred status.

    Thank you
  19. ddavison's Avatar
    We did not limit it to U.S. Residents only this time, but we had a large number of good applicants from the U.S. and they received preferred status.
  20. Patou's Avatar
    Hi Doug,

    Must it be USA only or do you take Canadian applicants as well?

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