View Full Version : Table Import Function in CoreRPG - Where are the instructions?

March 1st, 2022, 20:29
Okay. I give up. I've been searching for 1/2 hour now, looking for the instructions on how to invoke the Table Import functionality of CoreRPG.
Where might they be?

March 1st, 2022, 20:32
Okay. I give up. I've been searching for 1/2 hour now, looking for the instructions on how to invoke the Table Import functionality of CoreRPG.
Where might they be?

On the table record window, click the pencil. It will reveal the "import" button then a window will come up to paste in the text.... assuming thats what you're missing.

March 1st, 2022, 20:48
Thanks celestian. Dang! I hate it when I am that stupid! I was looking for something on the table data dialog itself. Aargh!

March 1st, 2022, 20:50
I think Minty is looking for instruction on the use of it. I would expect it to be found here; https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996640986/Using+Tables+to+Create+Random+Results
But there is nothing there on this functionality and I could not quickly find it either.

March 1st, 2022, 21:28
@celestian and @ LordEntrails
You're both right.
How to invoke it and then how to use it.

But I remembered using celestian's extension and just hoped it would be similar. It was.

If I may be so bold celestian, if you would please put a couple comments at the top of your table importer thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?40812-5E-Table-Importer) because about 99% of the hits that you get when you search the FG site for "import table" point to your thread.

Just something simple like, "Follow the instructions below."

March 1st, 2022, 21:40
@celestian and @ LordEntrails
You're both right.
How to invoke it and then how to use it.

But I remembered using celestian's extension and just hoped it would be similar. It was.

If I may be so bold celestian, if you would please put a couple comments at the top of your table importer thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?40812-5E-Table-Importer) because about 99% of the hits that you get when you search the FG site for "import table" point to your thread.

Just something simple like, "Follow the instructions below."

My extension that the table importer seems to be based on is no longer supported. This is the first line: NOTICE: 3.3.12+ is now live and I've retired this extension. This means I will no longer update. Table Importer is now with CoreRPG.

Is that what you mean?

March 1st, 2022, 21:50
Video Fifteen here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55797-How-do-I-in-Unity&p=492112#post492112

March 1st, 2022, 21:51
No. Not really. Following that link led me down a rabbit hole that I no way helped me learn how to invoke nor how to use the CoreRPG builtin functionality. Following the link indicates that I should use the CoreRPG’s functionality, just as you say, but it doesn’t help me DO it.

The way that the table import functionality is implemented in the CoreRPG is so similar to your old extension that had I just read the first page of your thread, I would have immediately known what to do.

March 1st, 2022, 21:54
No. Not really. Following that link led me down a rabbit hole that I no way helped me learn how to invoke nor how to use the CoreRPG builtin functionality. Following the link indicates that I should use the CoreRPG’s functionality, just as you say, but it doesn’t help me DO it.

The way that the table import functionality is implemented in the CoreRPG is so similar to your old extension that had I just read the first page of your thread, I would have immediately known what to do.

I'll link to the video Zack posted about at the top of my old thread ;)

March 1st, 2022, 21:55
Thanks celestian.
Thanks Zacchaeus

And oddly enough Zacchaeus I was at that video list page. I got a little tired reading video titles about 6 or 7 lines down and did a page search (ctrl-F) for “import”. No hits. Word not found. I hate when search lies to me ��