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View Full Version : Client Library Addin Module.

May 23rd, 2007, 07:34
Longarms posted a d20 Combat Cheat Sheet last year. I was looking for something small and useful to learn how build a FG2 client module with and I went ahead and used it to make a client module with a few changes. As the sheet was contributed originally, I felt it fair to contribute the module back to the community.

To use the module after downloading and unzipping it, put the mod file into your FG2 data folder in the modules folder. Start FG and then open the module to put it into your library. I'm not sure how to put the book next to the title in the library so if someone knows please tell me.

If you see any typos or mistakes let me know and I'll fix them. You do have to click on the catagories to open them as I used the new click to open interface.

Edit: here's a screenshot with the Full Round Actions clicked open:
Edit: Fixed the name in definition so it matches the one in client. :o
Edit: Fixed the "doesn't" typo Acmer found and changed the client.xml to common.xml in case it starts working later.
Edit: Added Turning to Stardard Actions an added all the d20 conditions.
Edit: Fixed a messed up list in Confusion Condition.
Edit: Added Run to Full Attack & Fight Defensively to Standard Actions.

May 24th, 2007, 04:58
I'm not sure how to put the book next to the title in the library so if someone knows please tell me.

The file has to be named "thumbnail.png" - zip it into the root of the .mod

May 24th, 2007, 05:56
I mean in the library to the left of the mouse curser, between the green and blue book. I gave the module an icon but I can't see how to get one in the library listing.

May 24th, 2007, 12:02
Yeah, that's what I meant too. Inside the .mod file, if there is a file called thumbnail.png in the root (where the .xml files are), it will show between those two books. It will also appear in the module picker.

May 24th, 2007, 18:04
Hmm, I must not be doing something right. There is a thumbnail in the mod file that's why the module has an icon in the module activation window. But nothing shows in the Library under d20 Essentials though the space where the icon would appear is "hot". If you get a chance, would you take a look at the mod file and see what's wrong.

May 24th, 2007, 22:36
You didn't use the same name in your definition.xml as you did in your client.xml for the module.

May 25th, 2007, 09:39
You didn't use the same name in your definition.xml as you did in your client.xml for the module.
Thanks, I knew it had to be something dumb like that. I fixed the zip file above.

May 25th, 2007, 10:34
Not sure if it's a big deal, but for example in the Bull rush -part it reads:

Improved bull rush? D doesn?t get...

Why the ?'s? I checked the mod files and it's there too.

May 27th, 2007, 01:53
Ah, I'll fix that. The original file was a word file. The original "doesn’t" had a slanted apostophy like this instead of like this "doesn't". The slanted character is not a valid xml character for that encoding so VS converted it to a "?".

May 28th, 2007, 18:21
Great work! A suggestion: add the "states" that can be applied to a character. I keep a paper sheet by me becuse I can never remember what they do ("sickened", "fatigued", "exhausted", etc.).

May 29th, 2007, 02:01
That is a good idea. That would be useful. I hate having to stop and figure out what "ObscureStateZeta" means.

May 30th, 2007, 01:31
I added all the conditions to the latest zip file along with putting turning under standard actions. Currently, despite the thread title, the mod type is common which means the GM has to load it on his computer in modules and force load on the module to get it to share with the clients. If you do want to use it as a client file you need to unzip the mod and rename the common.xml file to client.xml - then the file will act as a client module though you will have to get the GM's approval to actually open the client file by him dragging and dropping the green check on the module in the module list.

June 3rd, 2007, 01:43
Small update fixed a messed up list in Confusion Condition.

June 7th, 2007, 00:05
This is probably about the last update unless someone else finds something. I added Run to Full Round Actions and Fighting Defensively to Standard Actions. Fighting Defensively was alread under Full Attack but you can also Fight Defensively with a standard action.

June 7th, 2007, 00:47
I did find one this weekend. The incoporeal description is missing the 50% miss chance. Other than that, awesome job - I used the module a dozen times this weekend alone :)

June 7th, 2007, 01:03
Is it possible to make a section for your cheat sheet that creates draggable modifiers? I'd rather not clutter up the screen typing /die 2 charge or /die 2 flank

June 7th, 2007, 06:40
I did find one this weekend. The incoporeal description is missing the 50% miss chance. Other than that, awesome job - I used the module a dozen times this weekend alone :)
Glad you liked it. The problem here is I did the conditions not the special ablilites. There are some overlap between conditions and special ablilites with things like non corporeal, invisabilty, level drain ect. The 50% miss is described in the special ablilities.

I don't think I am going to add Special ablilities at this time to the cheat sheet. What I think I am going to do is eventually pull the conditions out of the combat cheat sheet. That will keep the cheat sheet about combat and terse. I will then make another small module with just special ablities and conditions - maybe combined in one long list. I'll have to think about it. I know I don't like having to look in two places for conditions and special abilitity info. What do you think?

I won't pull the conditions out of this module until I get the other module done.

June 7th, 2007, 06:54
Is it possible to make a section for your cheat sheet that creates draggable modifiers? I'd rather not clutter up the screen typing /die 2 charge or /die 2 flank
This is a good idea but I probably won't do this anytime soon. I am hoping Smiteworks will put back in their modifier sheet.

June 7th, 2007, 06:57
By the way if someone else wants to do something - doing a basic equipment and weapon list client or common module would be nice.

June 7th, 2007, 07:03
What about making the cheat sheet work like the d20 stuff? You click on classes and it opens up a new window with a list of things it can open there.

June 7th, 2007, 07:29
I did think doing it that way. On esthetics, the styles are very different. The cheat sheet was just supposed to be a summary/reminder. For Conditions/Abilities I would probably drop the rules in pretty much verbatim because I think that is what the harried DM would want.

The bigger reason I am really thinking of doing them as separate modules is I see the Cheat Sheet as a client or common module while I see the Abilities/Conditions as a DM or perhaps a Common module.

I’m not sure it’s worth making two modules though and there is obviously plenty of interface room to add to the first module.

June 7th, 2007, 08:14
I'd like to have the conditions as well as a player.

June 7th, 2007, 08:51
I shouldn't think doing the combat modifiers would be all that different from what's in the original FGI...if I get some time (since I'm still out of work), I may just look into doing that.

And Gri - what is it exactly you're looking for with the equipment? Just a seperate link?

June 7th, 2007, 20:17
Probably a seperate link for equipment. We already have the weapons and armor and the DM has the magic items - what really seems missing is prices and weights for Goods and Services, including Adventuring Gear, Special Substances and Items, Tools and Skill Kits, Clothing, ect. Really it should all be in a table but the tables are so awkward in FG and having a three colume table would probably be less readable than just doing a list of each catagory with each line with Name, price, weight as a list item and maybe making Adventureing Gear, Special Substances and Items, ect click openable?

June 8th, 2007, 06:30
Probably a seperate link for equipment. We already have the weapons and armor and the DM has the magic items - what really seems missing is prices and weights for Goods and Services, including Adventuring Gear, Special Substances and Items, Tools and Skill Kits, Clothing, ect. Really it should all be in a table but the tables are so awkward in FG and having a three colume table would probably be less readable than just doing a list of each catagory with each line with Name, price, weight as a list item and maybe making Adventureing Gear, Special Substances and Items, ect click openable?

Let's see what we can do here on this end then :)

September 16th, 2007, 02:50
In case someone is subscribed to this thread. I released a new improved version. See the details here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7230