View Full Version : Init/Combat Tracker

January 20th, 2006, 23:37
I know this has come up before and it was mentioned it would get an overhaul. Is this going to be in 1.06? Or something we should be able to do ourselves with the scripting?

Any hints on what it will look like if it will be in 1.06?

This is the one major thing we are missing that we think we need.



January 22nd, 2006, 16:02
Yes, it will be in 1.06.

This is a very preliminary concept sketch, but it'll give you an idea about what we're aiming for. Some things are missing, others might move around or change, and it probably won't end up with exactly these layouts and graphics.


Each row has a token that can be dragged onto a map. There's also a link back to the NPC/monster sheet.

The first row is an orc that's being targeted on a map by three out of the five players. The colored circles indicate the color of the corresponding players. The orc was dropped into the combat tracker from the monster book so it has access to the defensive information that's displayed due to the fact that it's being targeted.

The third row is an orc that is performing its turn, i.e. it is active. For this reason, it has its offensive and movement statistics in view. The highlight will probably be different from a targeted one eventually.

One of the things missing are the effects (you have two in the pre-1.06 version). The intent is to just have one empty effect visible at first, and to be able to dynamically enter more if you need them. They will probably go into the empty space on the first row, and expand down if you need more than three. There will also be a turn counter and an "increment turn" option that will automatically turn all the counters a step up or down if they are duration type effects.

Questions and suggestions are welcome.

January 22nd, 2006, 19:39
This looks excellent ... just what we needed, off the top of a rapidly balding head I cannot think of much more I'd want ...


January 23rd, 2006, 01:37
Wow, that does look nice.

One thing... will there be something for the players to look at so they know the Init order but not have access to all the DM information?

Are the attack / damage mods drag and droppable into the mod box?


January 24th, 2006, 07:00
[QUOTE=richvalle]Wow, that does look nice.

One thing... will there be something for the players to look at so they know the Init order but not have access to all the DM information?


Do they need to ?

In my games the players just wait until I tell them it's their turn...

January 24th, 2006, 13:54
We think so.

When we play around a table we use a whiteboard to write down the init order so everyone can see. It helps to keep you focused and you know when your turn is coming up.

Its not something that is kept secret from the players unlike the bad guys hp's, ac, etc.

Right now I use a work-around of putting extra tokens along the side of the map in the init order.


January 26th, 2006, 16:25
I notice that the orcs all have the tiny little O token from the tiny letter token pack. How will this work with those of us who use 50x50 oversized tokens?

February 3rd, 2006, 09:19
I notice that the orcs all have the tiny little O token from the tiny letter token pack. How will this work with those of us who use 50x50 oversized tokens?

Yes, the token will be drawn scaled so it fits the space alloted to it.

February 3rd, 2006, 12:57
My my 1.06 truly is shaping up to be as monumental as 1.05. I thought my day was made when tokens and maps scaled, but Lua _and_ this combat tracker. I'm not quite sure I can take it.

I have to ask: Any news on a possible release quarter. We speaking Q1 2006 or Q2 2006 or, horror, even later?

February 3rd, 2006, 14:06
Q1. That combat tracker is done with scripts in the default ruleset. It's a feature of the ruleset now whereas LUA support is a feature of the software.

February 3rd, 2006, 14:14
It might be a bit difficult to grasp what all can be done with the scripts at this point, but imagination plays a big part. ;)

February 3rd, 2006, 15:20
I have a question as to this. Is there a possibility with the 1.06 that there will be a way to "save" the information on the combat tracker?

The reason why I ask, last game I had some issues with a player joining up that did not have the correct patch. When he went to select a character, It caused my side to crash. I was right in the middle of an awesome battle with 30 creatures and the party. All gone.

It would be helpful to have the settings saved on the init tracker so if this happened, you could revert to the saved portion. (This would also help to remember spells the players have cast, such as Mage Armor)
Also, if you wanted things to end at a cliff hanger, you could just load it up and go.

The map is another area that I wish could be saved. Is there a possibility to have the information saved as an xml file? (The placement of tokens that is.) I notice that you are using layers, and the mask is able to be saved, why not also the token layer? You could then "Clear" the token layer when you don't need it.

Finally, one thing that I really wished for - if a new player is joining up, a pop up stating to the player about the difference to the patch (i.e., he has 1.05e, host has 1.05f) would be nice. Then the player would not disrupt the game by logging in with the incorrect patch.



February 3rd, 2006, 15:35
That reminds me...

Does anyone think it would be usefull to be able to setup the combat track and save it for different battles? Like you do for personalities now.

So you for each room/encounter you could have the tracker setup with all the monsters on it with init already rolled, buff spells already cast and showing ect.

Then drag and drop it on the map so it can be a pin like all the others.

I thought of this when I noticed it takes me a while to get the tracker setup for each battle.


February 4th, 2006, 07:59
Wow, this program is coming right along, especially for just have one main programmer. I've got to say that I'm impressed with the quality of improvements over time and keep up the good work!

February 4th, 2006, 11:31
Is there a possibility with the 1.06 that there will be a way to "save" the information on the combat tracker?

The map is another area that I wish could be saved. Is there a possibility to have the information saved as an xml file?

Does anyone think it would be usefull to be able to setup the combat track and save it for different battles?

I imagine all of this should be doable with Lua, even if not included in the 1.06 release. Depending on SmiteWorks' script policies, there's nothing stopping anyone from using a third party XML library for Lua, iterate over the pertinent items (provided they are exposed into script) and store the things as requested.

My point is: I've worked with Lua before, as have many others on the board I'm sure, so if these things are accessible in script (they would have to be, considering the combat tracker itself uses the information) all that stuff will show up either as fan created scripts or in further versions.

February 11th, 2006, 06:30
Oooh, this is looking REALLY nice! Can't wait!

February 14th, 2006, 13:48
That reminds me...

Does anyone think it would be usefull to be able to setup the combat track and save it for different battles? Like you do for personalities now.

So you for each room/encounter you could have the tracker setup with all the monsters on it with init already rolled, buff spells already cast and showing ect.

Then drag and drop it on the map so it can be a pin like all the others.

I thought of this when I noticed it takes me a while to get the tracker setup for each battle.


Yes, absolutely

March 12th, 2006, 11:41
Wow, how did I miss this whole thread?!?! Looking good, cannot wait to get my little paws on this.....end of Q1 is rapidly approaching!