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View Full Version : Coming Soon: Cries in the Darkness - A WHFRP Campaign.

January 11th, 2006, 06:07
As the title suggests, I am trolling for interest in a WarHammer Fantasy Role Play game entitled Cries in the Darkness. This is a module created by me, and set in the Empire. The game combines elements of a dark nature, with an emphasis on "Roleplaying" rather than "Roll"-playing. I have designed this module with the intent on bridgeing it over into a long term campaign. A basic knowledge of the rules is preferred, but not required. I am planning on this being a weekly game running on Wednesday evenings beginning around 9pm EST (US) - which is GMT -5. If you are interested feel free to pm me here, or contact me via email at [email protected]. I will be glad to answer any and all questions.

New Scenerio has been decided on. Information will follow in a day or so. Please have look at the game calander and sign up if you are interested. Cheers.


Syric Blackflame
January 11th, 2006, 14:57
I would be interested in a WH game. Let me know.

January 12th, 2006, 11:28
I would be interested in a WH game. Let me know.

Excellent. It appears that Friday evenings, or Tuesday evenings are going to be best for the game. Do either of these work for you mate?


Syric Blackflame
January 12th, 2006, 15:03
Either are good for me.

January 13th, 2006, 01:57
Either are good for me.

Wonderful.. I am putting the finishing touches on it right now, looking to start in about two weeks.


January 21st, 2006, 19:41
Out of curiosity. How are you going to play WFRP in FG, having in mind that it's d20 based? Did you make some modifications or you just leave the Warhammer setting and adapt it to d20 mechanics?

January 21st, 2006, 22:38
Out of curiosity. How are you going to play WFRP in FG, having in mind that it's d20 based? Did you make some modifications or you just leave the Warhammer setting and adapt it to d20 mechanics?

I have a ruleset for it. I am running WHFRP as is in the books, no need to change anything. With the character sheet and such, and the ability to roll %dice, all is good. I have run it before with no issues.


January 21st, 2006, 23:02
I have a ruleset for it.

You mean, you've made it yourself? I should tell why I'm asking. A friend of mine is a great Warhammer Game Master, I showed him Fantasy Grounds today and his only problem was "but it's D&D". I think he would gladly run a WFRP campaign if he could use Warhammer rules, instead of d20. Say, is there a chance for you to post the ruleset somewhere? Or point a place where you got that, in case you didn't make it? Having a Warhammer ruleset would be awesome for us. Heh, I'd even sign for your campaing, but unoftunately, vacancies aside, we're having serious time zone issues here - I'm in Europe. :)

The Velvet Souljah
February 7th, 2006, 12:53
I am definitely interested in this. I have the v.2 rulebook but have not yet started to read it. Is this something where you can help me along until I am finished with the book?



February 16th, 2006, 05:40
Would love to play, either night is good for me, but I might have to come in late some evenings as I have to help the kids with homework sometimes.

I have the 2nd edition rules and am begining to get familiarized with them. Let me know.

Standard PC generation I assume, and do you us to pick starting career or roll random?

February 16th, 2006, 21:50
Count me in

Syric Blackflame
February 17th, 2006, 18:49
Is this game still going to happen? I have not heard from Truthrevisited in a while...

February 21st, 2006, 01:20
He and I swapped some emails, he had some players drop out, but looks like if one or two more are interested it will come together.

February 27th, 2006, 04:22
You can count me in. I've been playing WFRP since it's inception. I have all (yes all - I know - more money than sense) of the 2.0 book. Long time GM (since 1981). I'd love a spot at the v-table.

Syric Blackflame
March 10th, 2006, 14:59
What happened to the guy that was gonna run this game? Havn't heard anything from him in quite some time. And secondly is there anyone else that would be interested in running a WHFRP game?

March 10th, 2006, 19:42
What happened to the guy that was gonna run this game? Havn't heard anything from him in quite some time. And secondly is there anyone else that would be interested in running a WHFRP game?

I am still here. I had posted for people to sign up in the game calander, and no one did. So I figured no one wanted to play. Then nezzir sent me an email, and we got to talking. I am running a game beginning next Wednesday, thanks to nezzir and his xml skilzorz. At the moment, I have 3 possibly 4 players. Thats what I was going for when I first announced the game. If one or two decide not to play, I will let you know.



Syric Blackflame
March 14th, 2006, 16:06
I am still here. I had posted for people to sign up in the game calander, and no one did. So I figured no one wanted to play. Then nezzir sent me an email, and we got to talking. I am running a game beginning next Wednesday, thanks to nezzir and his xml skilzorz. At the moment, I have 3 possibly 4 players. Thats what I was going for when I first announced the game. If one or two decide not to play, I will let you know.



Cool let me know when and what time and I will be there. You can email me at [email protected]

Syric Blackflame
March 16th, 2006, 14:46
I am still here. I had posted for people to sign up in the game calander, and no one did. So I figured no one wanted to play. Then nezzir sent me an email, and we got to talking. I am running a game beginning next Wednesday, thanks to nezzir and his xml skilzorz. At the moment, I have 3 possibly 4 players. Thats what I was going for when I first announced the game. If one or two decide not to play, I will let you know.



How does one go about signing up in the calendar I didnt see a link for it or I would have done it way back after my first post.

Syric Blackflame
March 16th, 2006, 14:52
Never mind that last post I found the link sorry I would have done it sooner but didnt look in the right spot.

March 16th, 2006, 17:10
Heya Syric, seems one of the players that committed is no longer able to attend. We have made through an introduction session, and thats it. If you are still interested, fire an email off to me ([email protected]) and lets set up a meeting for character creation and such. Cheers.


March 20th, 2006, 17:23
I wish I had the time to play. I am running a WHFRP campaign (have been since I acquired Jose's initial ruleset and then nezzir's later). We have played for just over a month and it has been a blast! I am running it with my 'old' group of players (who have scattered to the 8 winds...) and it has been a good way to get us all together again.

Maybe in the near future when things settled down with me (lots to do.. so little time) and if you have an opening, I might be able to join in? Been playing Warhammer for YEARS!

Note off topic: Black Industries announced that in March 2007 they will be releasing a WH40K Rpg! I ran a campaign about 4 years ago using rules I found on the net (and mutating them in true chaos gm fashion) and it was a blast. Looking forward to the FIRST official WH40K rpg. I wonder how long it will take for it to be translated to FG? Who knows, maybe I will know enough .xml stuff to do it myself by then.


March 20th, 2006, 19:07
I will tell you flat out that if WH40K comes out in an RPG, I am there. I will buy evrey book made for that without hesitation or question. That was hands down my favorite tabletop strategy game.

As far as an opening, I am sure there will be one. I am currently running with 4 players. As I get a little better at GMing in WH, I will open up to a couple of more. Stay in touch.


March 20th, 2006, 20:46
He is right, I had just posted a message on FUM when I came here and spotted his post. Due spring next year. Going to come out in sets, like one comes out gets you to a certain level, then next comes out 18 months apart is what I think it said, and it takes you through the next levels.
When it come sout, count me in on a game TR, I always loved WH40k!

March 21st, 2006, 14:33
I have real fond memories of the 40k rpg game I ran a few years ago. Like I said previously I had downloaded the rules off the net (from several sources, actually... one of them being https://destinova.home.insightbb.com/40KRPG/downloads.html ) Then, of course, I gave it my own special seasoning.

Lets see, we had a squat engineer, a ratling rogue, 2 human soldiers, and an Ogrin npc soldier. It was basically a 'dirty dozen' type campaign. They had all been charged with some type of crime and so were formed up into a motley crew of misfits, a la the "Last Chancers" by Gav Thorpe.

We played about 4 sessions and then things got kind of crazy and we weren't able to continue. Maybe once this rpg comes out we can pick up where we left off...

Laters all,

March 21st, 2006, 22:34
I downloaded those rules and looked them over, very nice, though they seem incomplete, is there a DM download somewhere? I dont think this material is enough to get a game off the ground unfortunately.

March 29th, 2006, 18:09
Tell me, how much does 2nd edition differ from first?

March 29th, 2006, 19:21
Tell me, how much does 2nd edition differ from first?

Unfortunatly mate, I did not play first so I could not tell ya. Perhaps nezzir could help out on that, as he has played both. If he does not respond in a bit, I will let him know to take a look and help ya out.


Syric Blackflame
March 30th, 2006, 23:24
The second edition is much like the first for most game mechanics. There has been a major revision of the magic section and is more in line with WFB with the colleges of different color magic. The rest of the game is very similiar to first edition except for a few changes and the loss of some careers and gain of some new ones.

April 2nd, 2006, 04:55
Hm. I was torn about the original game. I LOVED some aspects, but was very uncertain about others.

I must say, though, that it was pretty fun. ;)

April 10th, 2006, 21:53
I have played both and feel that 2nd edition fixed alot of things that were wrong with the 1st edition without sacrificing the 'feel' of the campaign world. In fact, since it is so well supported, it is easier to get into the world than it was 'way back then'...

So far we (my scattered and nearly disbanded gaming group) have played 7 sessions of WHFRPG v2 using FG (thanks nezzir!) and I must say this: it has been a BLAST.

I am running Paths of the Damned- Ashes of Middenheim (after running the adventure in the core rulebook which ties in nicely). Words of advice to anyone using official 'modules'- I cannot emphasize to you enough the importance of having a decent scanner and OCR! (For my own use of course!!!). This has saved me TONS of work. Then it is a simple matter of cutting and pasting description text, etc., when required.

A few days before each session I go over the next 'chapter' (about how far I think we can get in 3-4 hours time of FG play) and scan any 'needed' description text and npc character speech and add it to the story section. Usually I have to do a bit of finagling to make sure it sounds sensible and doesn't give away too much- as oft times I use description text that was 'meant' for the GM.

As another aside (I seem to be full of these today... :) ) I am creating a section of my website (soon to be re-launched after a LONG hiatus) that will detail our exploits including chat logs, cast of characters, back ground stories, etc. I will let y'all know when it is relaunched. Who knows, maybe you will find something usefull... Or not... :)

Damn I wish I could play in Truth's game... *sigh*

Luck to you all,

April 14th, 2006, 08:34
I've played 1st edition since it came out. Basically I walked into a store one day and saw it on the "new materials" shelf and bought it. Over the years I pulled everyone I know into the system. I've converted more D&D players than you can imagine and I've ran campaigns that lasted for years. The atmosphere and well defined history and world are irresistable to some players :)

There's not a HUGE difference between the versions, not like the difference between 2nd edition AD&D and D20. Warhammer survived for years on its own merits because it was a solid system. It had a very dedicated core player group that kept at it for years. When the new edition was commissioned, they sought the advice of those players. The play test groups were made up of old school players that knew the system inside and out and had practical experience with its flaws.

The net result was not so much a rewrite as a tightening of the existing rules. There were lots of redundant things in the system, those were removed (such as some of the statistics). There were things missing that were added (classes, equipment, basic mechanics). There were things that simply didn't work well or were lackluster and needed revamping (like the spell system). There were loopholes that needed closing (like the naked dwarf syndrome). And of course the new system, unlike the old, was designed to make money. They broke away from the "single rulebook" and adopted the more familliar modular system. Good for them, it might give the product longevity.

I'm longwinded, but the point is, the old familiar things that kept the dedicated players coming back are still there but it has been updated to reflect years of playtesting and field experience. The final product, in my opinion, is very solid and a viable alternative to the flood of D20 products.

I miss John Blanche and Ian Miller's artwork though :( There's still a bit, but not enough IMO.

April 14th, 2006, 08:42

Truth's campaign has been put on hold I think. I think he got really busy because we haven't heard from him a couple of weeks. I'm looking for a game. If you have a spot open up in your campaign, PM me here or email me at:
[email protected]

I have an unusual work schedule. I work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, but I work from home. My schedule rotates now and again (from days to nights), but I can play while I work, no problem.

If you or anyone has a WFRPx game starting up or a spot open, let me know :)

While I own all the WFRP2 source material, I haven't read it yet (in hopes that I would get to play it here).