View Full Version : Managing Characters offline not working

April 29th, 2017, 22:29
I'm unable to manage character sheets offline. When I load up the campaign the character sheets come up as level 0! I'm not the DM, I have FG Full license, use a mac and play through Steam. Help!

Erin Righ
April 29th, 2017, 23:59
Youcan't connect to your GMs game unless your GM is connected, so you can't manage characters without her

April 30th, 2017, 00:46
If you've connected to the GM once before you will have your character available in the local cache (read only) and can access that through manage characters - by selecting the campaign name from the bottom section of the manage characters start screen. The key thing here is that it is read only as you are accessing previously used campaign data. And you can only access the PCs one campaign at a time.

But, you can then export this character (from within Manage Characters for a specific campaign) to use elsewhere, or you can go back into the generic Manage Characters (select the ruleset from the top part of the manage characters start screen instead of the campaign) and import the character you've just exported.

This may sound a bit convoluted, but it is necessary to keep campaign cache data separate from the players general set of characters. But you can manage your characters this way, outside of being connected to a GM.

May 20th, 2017, 22:41
I have a question about exporting characters. I have played in 5 or 6 campaigns, but only one ever shows up in the list for managing characters. I even tried creating my own campaign, created a character in it, and it's not on the list.

What has to happen to get a campaign to appear on the "manage characters" page so that I actually can access the characters from that campaign?


May 20th, 2017, 22:45
What has to happen to get a campaign to appear on the "manage characters" page so that I actually can access the characters from that campaign?
When you join a game as a player using the "Join Game" screen, a copy of the campaign data is downloaded into your local cache on that computer and on that computer only. This is done for each campaign you join, and it is these campaigns that are shown in the "Manage Characters" screen.

If you joined on another computer, then the campaign will only be available if you run fantasy Grounds on that computer.

If you do a new installation on a different computer then your cache will be empty on that computer.

If you have ever cleared your cache (clocked the nuke button in the top right of the Join Game screen), then you have removed the cache for all of the campaigns you've joined on that computer.

May 20th, 2017, 23:28
When you join a game as a player using the "Join Game" screen, a copy of the campaign data is downloaded into your local cache on that computer and on that computer only. This is done for each campaign you join, and it is these campaigns that are shown in the "Manage Characters" screen.

So we can never manage the characters for campaigns we create ourselves, nor use those characters in anyone else's campaign? We can only manage characters from campaigns that we "join"?

May 20th, 2017, 23:53
So we can never manage the characters for campaigns we create ourselves, nor use those characters in anyone else's campaign?
You manage those characters within those campaigns.

The reason I can think of to have a PC in manage characters that allows you to directly upload it when you join another GMs game. But this is only available in the generic ruleset based manager characters, as Manage Characters for a campaign you've connected before is read only - see post #3.

If you have a character in a campaign you can export it to a XML file, and then import that into Manage Characters (generic ruleset based). Or, you could just email that XML directly to the GM to load into their campaign.

It is a bit confusing, I hope that answers more questions that causes more confusion.

Oh, and a belated welcome to the FG forums! :)

May 21st, 2017, 00:56
You manage those characters within those campaigns.

The reason I can think of to have a PC in manage characters that allows you to directly upload it when you join another GMs game. But this is only available in the generic ruleset based manager characters, as Manage Characters for a campaign you've connected before is read only - see post #3.

If you have a character in a campaign you can export it to a XML file, and then import that into Manage Characters (generic ruleset based). Or, you could just email that XML directly to the GM to load into their campaign.

It is a bit confusing, I hope that answers more questions that causes more confusion.

Oh, and a belated welcome to the FG forums! :)
Thanks for the welcome and the help.

I am one of those who can never seem to successfully host a game because no one can ever connect to me. We've tried everything listed in the support forum and nothing works. So one of the players has his fantasy grounds acting as the DM, but I actually run the game. I had made a couple characters for two of my new players and wanted to import them to his game, but I can't, because they are saved in my campaign which no one can join.

May 21st, 2017, 00:59
I had made a couple characters for two of my new players and wanted to import them to his game, but I can't, because they are saved in my campaign which no one can join.
Export your characters from your campaign and email the XML to the GM to load into their campaign. See GM Actions -> Export a Character here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Character_Management

May 21st, 2017, 01:17
Yup, I know how to export. I have them ready to go. Thanks again!