View Full Version : LFG 2 Player LF Game Saturday or Sunday Evening Prefer 5E

February 24th, 2017, 05:18
My friend and I are looking for game to play in! We both love a good RP and would love to find a group that loves to build characters while smashing skulls! ;) Not interested in rule-lawyering, just excited to play a good game, so any help finding one would be much appreciated!

FG License: Standard and Ultimate License
Time Zone: PST (but open to anything that starts after 6pm PST)
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Would love a weekly game on Saturday or Sunday evenings (6pm PST or later)
Term: Long term
Voice: Have used Teamspeak, Discord, and Mumble - so definitely willing to do it. ;)

Game System Preferred: 5E please
Game System Experience: 5E / 5E, 2nd Ed., 3.5
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Quite familiar - currently playing in a couple of other games right now.

Character Type Preferred: Player One: Pretty much anything. I've played Bard and Ranger - interested in trying out Druid or Fighter. Player Two: Anything melee (occasionally Rogue or Bard) - usually plays a barbarian. LOVES the monster classes from Volos and is looking for a game that let's him play one.

February 25th, 2017, 23:36
Count me available to piggyback with these 2 if an opportunity presents itself.

February 26th, 2017, 00:53
I'm up

February 26th, 2017, 16:35
I have me and buddy for Sundays

February 26th, 2017, 18:44
If you guys find a dm please let me know I really want to play a game that let's you play other races and class variants and such.